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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-01-08 20:44
【摘要】:晉商題材電視劇(以下簡稱晉商。┳鳛樯轿魑幕泴(shí)力的重要組成部分,近些年來逐漸受到政府部門以及文化學(xué)者的重視,同時(shí)也有一些本土企業(yè)家相繼參與到影視劇的籌拍過程中,,他們?yōu)闀x商劇的拍攝提供了許多財(cái)力和物力支持,應(yīng)當(dāng)說,這是令我們喜悅而感動的舉措,如此多的人員在扶持晉商劇,它的發(fā)展前景應(yīng)當(dāng)說是非常光明的。另外,《一諾千金》《李家大院》等劇正在緊鑼密鼓的籌拍中,而就在前不久,又一部反映晉商興衰的電視劇《風(fēng)雨日升昌》劇本研討會在山西召開,體現(xiàn)了各方對晉商劇的重視和關(guān)注力度。既然晉商劇的創(chuàng)作在不斷加快,那么相關(guān)的理論文獻(xiàn)也必須牢牢打好根基,只有讓科學(xué)的理論指導(dǎo)實(shí)踐,才能使晉商劇時(shí)刻保持創(chuàng)作清醒,保證在未來的發(fā)展過程中不走彎路和錯(cuò)路。由于地域和文化的差異,許多人對山西的地域文化特色相對陌生,那么本文將對晉商劇中的文化現(xiàn)象和人文特色進(jìn)行集中梳理與全面分析,從而讓人們對山西形象有更加全面的認(rèn)識和了解。但與此同時(shí),晉商劇在創(chuàng)作上也存在諸多問題,比如題材相對局限、人物的類型化明顯,對地域文化的展現(xiàn)較為片面和刻板,這些都將是本文要發(fā)掘探討的問題。為晉商劇把脈的目的在于總結(jié)晉商劇創(chuàng)作的成功之處,發(fā)現(xiàn)晉商劇創(chuàng)作的不足地方,為今后晉商劇的發(fā)展提供完備的理論借鑒和文本參照。 本文綜合運(yùn)用了藝術(shù)學(xué)、美學(xué)、文學(xué)、傳播學(xué)、民俗學(xué)、電影學(xué)、文化學(xué)等學(xué)科知識,系統(tǒng)而深入地對晉商題材電視劇的地域文化進(jìn)行了梳理研究,力圖在更為廣闊的社會背景下探討晉商劇的創(chuàng)作得失和超越方向。
[Abstract]:As an important part of Shanxi's cultural soft power, Jinshang TV series (hereinafter referred to as Jinshang drama) has been paid more and more attention by government departments and cultural scholars in recent years. At the same time, there are also some local entrepreneurs who have participated in the process of preparing films and TV dramas one after another. They have provided a lot of financial and material support for the filming of Shanxi businessmen's plays. It should be said that this is a move that makes us happy and moved. So many people in support of Shanxi business drama, its development prospects should be said to be very bright. In addition, the drama "Yi Nuo Qianjin", "Li Jia Yuan" and other plays are in the midst of intense preparation. Just recently, another TV drama series, "wind and rain, rising prosperity", which reflects the rise and fall of Shanxi businessmen, was held in Shanxi Province. It reflects the attention and attention of all parties to Shanxi business drama. Since the creation of Jinshang dramas is constantly accelerating, the relevant theoretical literature must also be firmly rooted. Only by allowing scientific theory to guide the practice, can we keep the creation sober at all times. Ensure that in the future development process do not go wrong and detours. Because of the regional and cultural differences, many people are relatively unfamiliar with the regional and cultural characteristics of Shanxi. So that people have a more comprehensive understanding and understanding of the image of Shanxi. But at the same time, there are many problems in the creation of Shanxi business drama, such as the relative limitation of subject matter, the obvious typology of characters, the one-sided and rigid display of regional culture, these will be the problems to be explored in this paper. The purpose of checking the pulse of Shanxi merchants drama is to sum up the success of Jin merchant drama creation, to find out the deficiency of Jin merchant drama creation, and to provide a complete theoretical reference and text reference for the future development of Shanxi business drama. This paper makes use of the knowledge of art, aesthetics, literature, communication, folklore, film, culture and so on, and systematically and deeply studies the regional culture of Shanxi merchants TV series. In order to explore the wider social background of Shanxi business drama creation and beyond the direction.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前5條

1 程超;王金平;;談晉商建筑對現(xiàn)代商業(yè)建筑的啟示[J];山西建筑;2012年22期

2 郭澤光;吳秋生;;論新晉商的價(jià)值理念[J];理論探索;2012年05期

3 賈存建;;晉商文化中的經(jīng)營理念探析[J];科技信息;2012年11期

4 趙寧寧;邢曄;;從晉商雷履泰看山西票號的發(fā)展興衰[J];蘭臺世界;2013年04期

5 張權(quán);;明清晉商會館興起探析[J];文學(xué)界(理論版);2012年04期




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