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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-01-05 09:07
【摘要】:“穿越”是穿越時(shí)間和空間的簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng),在影視劇中常常表現(xiàn)為不同時(shí)空的交錯(cuò)表達(dá)。我國(guó)的穿越類(lèi)影視劇在極短的時(shí)間之內(nèi)便迅速出現(xiàn)創(chuàng)作數(shù)量上的“井噴”,但也因?yàn)闋?zhēng)先恐后的大量創(chuàng)作出現(xiàn)了一些不成熟的作品而備受質(zhì)疑。穿越類(lèi)影視劇作為一種影視劇創(chuàng)作類(lèi)型,不能因短時(shí)期內(nèi)個(gè)別的不成熟作品而抹殺它的全部藝術(shù)魅力。 本文將采用個(gè)案分析、對(duì)比分析等研究方法,對(duì)穿越類(lèi)影視劇的意義和價(jià)值進(jìn)行系統(tǒng)研究。本文將在總體把握中西方穿越類(lèi)影視劇的歷史發(fā)展和當(dāng)今現(xiàn)狀的基礎(chǔ)之上,從“穿越”這一影視藝術(shù)的藝術(shù)審美、社會(huì)意義和商業(yè)價(jià)值等多角度對(duì)其當(dāng)代價(jià)值進(jìn)行深入系統(tǒng)的開(kāi)掘。除此之外,還將在分析優(yōu)秀的穿越類(lèi)影視劇創(chuàng)作個(gè)案的基礎(chǔ)上,為我國(guó)的穿越類(lèi)影視劇探索一個(gè)今后努力的方向。 穿越類(lèi)影視劇中所使用的創(chuàng)作方法是一種古已有之的“造境”的創(chuàng)作方法,這種方法在當(dāng)今大放異彩,,以浪漫主義色彩沖擊了我國(guó)寫(xiě)實(shí)主義在影視劇中的統(tǒng)治地位,具有極高的審美價(jià)值。穿越類(lèi)影視劇充滿奇思妙想故事建構(gòu)可以使人的集體心理得到宣泄和撫慰;而具有政治屬性、文化屬性的藝術(shù)作品同樣具有商品屬性,穿越類(lèi)影視劇受到40歲以下的女性群體歡迎,消費(fèi)潛力大,穿越類(lèi)影視劇的商業(yè)價(jià)值高。穿越類(lèi)影視劇是我國(guó)一個(gè)不可或缺的影視劇類(lèi)型,若能夠在內(nèi)涵、深度、情感和理性穿越等方面加以提升,定能迎來(lái)更光明的發(fā)展前景。
[Abstract]:"traversing" is the abbreviation of time and space, which is often shown as interlaced expression of different time and space in movies and TV dramas. In a very short period of time, our country's traversing movies and TV dramas quickly appeared "blowout" in the number of creations, but they were questioned because of the rush to create a large number of immature works. As a type of film and TV drama, traversing film and TV drama can not erase all its artistic charm because of some immature works in a short period of time. In this paper, the significance and value of traversing movies and TV dramas are systematically studied by case analysis, comparative analysis and other research methods. On the basis of the overall understanding of the historical development and present situation of the traversing movies and TV dramas between China and the West, this article will begin with the artistic aesthetics of the film and television art of "traversing". Social significance and commercial value and other angles to its contemporary value in-depth and systematic excavation. In addition, on the basis of analyzing the outstanding cases of traversing movies and TV dramas, we will explore a direction of future efforts for our country's traversing movies and TV dramas. The creative method used in traversing movies and TV dramas is an ancient method of "creating environment". This method has given prominence to today, and has impacted the dominant position of realism in film and television drama in our country with a romantic color. Have extremely high aesthetic value. Traversing movies and TV dramas full of fantastic stories can make people's collective psychology catharsis and comfort; However, art works with political and cultural attributes also have commodity attributes. Traversing movies and TV dramas are welcomed by women under 40 years old, with great consumption potential, and high commercial value of traversing movies and television dramas. Traversing is an indispensable type of film and television drama in China. If we can promote it in terms of connotation, depth, emotion and rational traversing, it will usher in a brighter development prospect.


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