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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-01-05 03:13
[Abstract]:Nakashima philosophy is also a leader in Japan's "New Film Movement". He is good at understanding the experiences and mental processes of people in special circumstances and using an advertisement. The exaggerated audiovisual language of MV shows people's complex emotions. Desire is one of the most controversial works in Nakajima and also a work full of reflection. Nakajima excavates the ugliest and darkest side of human nature as far as possible, presenting the audience with a complete tragedy. This paper analyzes the depiction of human nature in the film "desire" from three aspects: the depiction of human nature in specific interpersonal relationships, the display of extreme human nature, and the exploration of the causes of human nature distortion.
【作者單位】: 安陽(yáng)師范學(xué)院;


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1 李曉楠;中島哲也電影研究[D];上海師范大學(xué);2015年

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1 李欣童;日本電影中的死亡美學(xué)[D];重慶大學(xué);2014年

2 王天;廣告MV跨界影視導(dǎo)演—?jiǎng)?chuàng)作風(fēng)格的共性與啟示[D];西安建筑科技大學(xué);2013年

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4 尹樂;日本新電影運(yùn)動(dòng)中的巖井俊二[D];南京大學(xué);2012年

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7 高燕;類型世界中的另類舞者[D];河北大學(xué);2010年

8 陳雨露;敘述的幻象[D];華東師范大學(xué);2010年

9 王青;從日本電影看日本文化的頹廢性[D];華中科技大學(xué);2009年

10 江霄;論北野武的電影世界[D];南京師范大學(xué);2008年


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