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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-03 11:44
【摘要】:影視動畫作為一種特殊的文化產(chǎn)品,在不同的歷史時期和不同的國家都會呈現(xiàn)出不同的藝術(shù)風(fēng)格和文化形態(tài)。從影視動畫定義來看,與電影相比,影視動畫藝術(shù)更趨于高度假定存在。從邏輯結(jié)構(gòu)上講,其基本結(jié)構(gòu)應(yīng)該包括:“故事敘述”,“動畫表演”與“技術(shù)渲染”這三個環(huán)節(jié)!皠赢嫳硌荨币炎鳛閯赢嬔芯恐蟹浅V匾膬(nèi)容被提出進行研究,而能夠給觀眾帶來娛樂性體驗的喜劇性表演是動畫創(chuàng)作中關(guān)鍵的一環(huán)。由此,對動畫表演中喜劇性表演的研究其意義和價值是顯而易見的。 論文的主要內(nèi)容分為三大部分: 第一部分概述了本課題研究的意義以及國內(nèi)外在此領(lǐng)域的研究動態(tài)和理論水平基礎(chǔ),對影視動畫表演的創(chuàng)作風(fēng)格類型進行分類,并從美國、日本、中國創(chuàng)作者個人認(rèn)知和文化背景差異,探析影視動畫喜劇性表演不同風(fēng)格形成的根據(jù),并總結(jié)出影視動畫喜劇性表演在中國的研究和實踐。 第二部分采取橫向比較的研究方法,對影視動畫中夸張式的喜劇性表演、輕喜劇式的喜劇性表演及黑色幽默式的喜劇性表演進行分析,縱向比較早期影視動畫喜劇性表演和當(dāng)代影視動畫喜劇性表演,結(jié)合案例分析,梳理出這三種影視動畫喜劇性表演所具備的典型特點,從而對影視動畫喜劇性表演進行系統(tǒng)化歸類和分析,總結(jié)出普遍的創(chuàng)作規(guī)律,,為文章下一章節(jié)提出依據(jù)。 第三部分主要通過對影視動畫創(chuàng)作中喜劇性表演元素及方法進行分析,進而歸納出在喜劇性動畫創(chuàng)作中的喜劇性表演元素,并結(jié)合喜劇動畫創(chuàng)作的實踐案例,CCTV動畫頻道播出的動畫系列片《木瓜木瓜》進行探討。綜上分析,最后以中國動畫實際發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀為依據(jù),指出動畫喜劇性表演在我國今后影視動畫創(chuàng)作實踐中可借鑒要素,從而創(chuàng)造獨具中國特色的喜劇性表演視聽體驗,并對理論研究和動畫喜劇性創(chuàng)作提出積極的意見和發(fā)展策略。
[Abstract]:As a special cultural product, film animation presents different artistic styles and cultural forms in different historical periods and different countries. From the definition of film and television animation, compared with the film, film animation art tends to highly hypothetical existence. From the logic structure, its basic structure should include: "story narration", "animation performance" and "technical rendering" these three links. "Animation performance" has been proposed as an important part of animation research, and comedy performance, which can bring entertainment experience to audience, is a key link in animation creation. Therefore, the significance and value of the study on comic performance in animation performance is obvious. The main content of this paper is divided into three parts: the first part summarizes the significance of this research, the research trends and theoretical level of the domestic and foreign foundation in this field, and classifies the creative style types of film and television animation performance. From the differences of individual cognition and cultural background of American, Japanese and Chinese creators, this paper probes into the basis of the formation of different styles of comic performances of film and television animation, and sums up the research and practice of comic performances of film and television animation in China. The second part adopts the horizontal comparison research method to analyze the comedy performance of exaggeration type, the comedy performance of light comedy type and the comedy performance of black humor type in the film and television animation. Comparing the comedy performance of the early film animation and the contemporary film animation comedy performance vertically, combing out the typical characteristics of these three kinds of film and television animation comedy performance, combining the case analysis, Thus, it systematically classifies and analyzes the comedy performance of film and television animation, summarizes the general creative rules, and provides the basis for the next chapter of the article. The third part mainly analyzes the elements and methods of comedy performance in the creation of film and television animation, and then sums up the elements of comedy performance in the creation of comedy animation, and combines the practical case of comedy animation creation. CCTV Animation Channel broadcast the animation series "papaya" for discussion. Finally, based on the actual development of Chinese animation, the author points out that animation comedy performance can be used for reference in the future film and television animation creation practice in China, so as to create a unique audio-visual experience of comedy performance with Chinese characteristics. And puts forward the positive opinion and the development strategy to the theory research and the animation comedy creation.


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