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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-23 18:09
[Abstract]:As the only Chinese director to win the Oscar for Best Director, Ang Lee has become the object of many scholars at home and abroad. The research theories and achievements of Ang Lee and his films are innumerable and insightful. It is not easy to find a new breakthrough in the study of Ang Lee's films, especially from the angle of culture. On the basis of extensive collection, careful reading and careful analysis of the relevant works and academic papers on Ang Lee and his films, the author finds out the breakthrough point, that is, the analysis of Taoist thoughts in Ang Lee's films. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism constitute the core of Chinese traditional culture. However, as a native Taoist in China, due to many factors such as history, politics and other factors, compared with Confucianism and Buddhism, slightly inferior. Chinese film directors also rarely take the initiative to present them in the movies. However, as Lin Yutang put it in "Chinese", "the Chinese are Taoist in nature and Confucian in culture, but their Taoism is more than Confucianism." Taoism has been deeply integrated into the soul of the Chinese people, people always intentionally or inadvertently show their soul deep Taoist ideological character. This paper takes Ang Lee's films as the research object, takes the Taoist thought as the foundation, first analyzes from two aspects of Lee's life experience and cultural tendency, explores the connection between Lee'an and Taoism, and concludes that Lee is really influenced by Taoism. And the initiative will be presented in the film. On the basis of this, this paper probes into the characters which are shaped by Ang Lee's films on the level of text and narration, which are full of Taoist characters, which pursue the unlimited freedom of personality, and the narration of Taiji push-hand films, and so on. Under the influence of Taoist aesthetics, Ang Lee's films show the beauty of artistic conception, simplicity and tranquility in audio-visual style. The conclusion of this paper is that Ang Lee has been trying to escape from the living environment and cultural environment which cause individual repression and find himself in art. Art makes him get rid of the bondage of living environment and cultural environment and seek the transcendent way of mind. The Taoist pursuit of Tao itself is the highest artistic spirit. The Confucian and Buddhist schools in Ang Lee's own cultural composition originated from his father's influence, while Taoism was Lee's conscious choice. Lee's spiritual pursuit of the personality freedom of the Taoist individual life, the empty and simple character and tranquil and comfortable landscape feelings are consciously or unconsciously presented in his films, affecting the text, narration and audio-visual style of his films. It is embodied in the creation of Taoist characters in the text, the display of the ideological connotation of Taoist personality freedom, the pursuit of Taiji push-hand film narration in narration. The audiovisual style presents the beauty of artistic conception, simplicity and serenity with Taoist aesthetics.


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