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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-23 08:45
[Abstract]:Chick Film is a new type of film that has been recognized in recent years. It rose from the United States and then developed to other countries, and has become one of the relatively influential types of films. The movie is about love. In the film, young women are the main objects of expression, and they are the absolute protagonists. This paper traces the concept of "chick film" to its development, especially in China. China's "Girl Film" began with "very perfect" in 2009. By 2013, there were nearly 20 "Girl movies" released on the mainland. In just four years, it has become one of the guarantees to support the box office of domestic films. In the course of the development of "chick film," the constantly updated science and technology is the guarantee of its progress, while the demands of the society and the audience are the driving force of its development. On the basis of taking love as the carrier, it has been promoted very quickly. Both the creation of artistic image and the expression of artistic language have their own characteristics. Chick Film, which keeps pace with the times, incorporates a lot of modern elements. In audio-visual effects, it is integrated with the fashionable dynamic of modern cities, and it adds brilliant colors to make the film appear bright and cheerful. The audience was pleasing to the eye. The performance of female image in the film, not only through visual expression, but also as the narrative clue of the film. The image of young women in the film not only fits the theme expression of this type of film, but also is closely related to the current social needs; It not only affirms the personality charm of contemporary women seeking true love and independence, but also conveys the social education significance of this kind of film to young women. In mainland China, since the release of "33 days of lovelorn", there has been a big shock in the film world, and then there has been a strong wind of "girls". The number of such films has gradually increased in theaters. Looking at China's top 10 at the box office in 2013, chick movies took up three seats. However, with the rapid development in the short term, there are still many problems in domestic chick film, such as the pale narration and the lack of representative chick. However, "Little Niu Film" has an accurate positioning for the audience and is supported by a strong mainland market. I believe that in the future, "Little Girl Film" will definitely take a road suitable for itself and for the development of the mainland film market. Strive to go out of the country, and achieve more impressive results.


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