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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-19 17:56
[Abstract]:In the complicated TV series system of our country, minority TV drama has always been a unique and important existence. In the new century, with the change of the background of the macroscopic times, minority TV dramas are gradually becoming prosperous and diversified, and the elements of various subject types are integrated into them, which makes them break through in the increasingly competitive TV drama market. These excellent TV dramas with minority themes have broken through the previous narrative concepts, achieved a breakthrough in narrative expression and aesthetic orientation, and successfully demonstrated the unique spiritual culture and value orientation of ethnic minorities. Looking back at the more than 30 years of minority TV dramas in China, it has played an important ideological function and completed the imaginative construction of all ethnic groups in China. In the social context of the coexistence of multiculturalism in the new century, the mainstream culture tries to realize the hidden call of the national will, the mass culture continues to frantically "encircle" and construct the entertainment of the "other"; The arousal and growth of minority culture urges the creators who possess ethnic minority blood or cultural identity to become active "authors" who express their feelings from the "others" who are being hunted and admired. It is the game of these three cultural forces that makes the new century's minority TV series take on a different form of text. In the narrative theme, there is not only "national unity", but also the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation into which to look at the present, "harmony" has become the spiritual tone of minority TV series. In the aspect of character shaping, it breaks through the image shaping of dualistic opposition in the past, breaks the traditional thought of "black and white", and dialectically presents all kinds of characters under the special historical environment, and no longer only pays attention to the legendary heroes who are household names. It also focuses on unknown civilian heroes; At the same time, ethnic minority female figures with different personalities and fates in different historical periods have received comprehensive attention. In terms of narrative skills, there are not only legendary writing models, but also suspense and sudden changes to the audience, sublimation of themes with conspiracy and love, and poetic presentation patterns, which please the audience with plain aesthetic features and impress the audience with sincere and delicate emotion. In the aspect of national code, the folklore etiquette in the play is no longer just a "display", but turns into an important element of participating in narration, promoting the plot, and even becoming a spiritual code that links the social etiquette law and highlights the value orientation of the nation. There is no denying that minority TV plays a positive role in promoting national stability and unity in the new century, but we should see that policy constraints, commercial temptations and innovations have become an important factor hindering its development. Therefore, the healthy and sustainable development of minority TV plays needs not only the support of the national government, but also its own bold innovation, in order to balance social and market benefits while conveying the unique aesthetic connotation of minority culture.


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