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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-19 14:03
[Abstract]:Film is a kind of mass media with unique advantages in the performance of visual image, which can transform the abstract spiritual world into a visual symbol that can be seen directly. This feature undoubtedly makes the film have a more flexible narrative mode and more infectious artistic expression when telling the story of "Gemini characters", which is the basis of the thesis and the main content of the first chapter. The following contents constitute the second section of the thesis, and discuss and analyze the phenomenon of "Gemini role" in detail. The definition of Gemini characters in this paper is as follows: the film has two highly similar characters, which are divided into three types: twins, clones and soul mates from the physiological, scientific and spiritual levels, and in the second and third, respectively. It is discussed in four chapters. The images of twins in movies usually have completely opposite personality characteristics, producing two branches of harmony and complementarity and confrontation and struggle. The image of harmonious and complementary twins is people's imagination of the ideal relationship model of twins, which assigns people's psychology of pursuing harmony and perfection. In most films, the relationship between twins is not completely equal. By exploring how to find the best balance in a pair of relationships, the relationship between individual and self and between individual and external environment is reflected. In a clone-themed film, the similarity of appearance is an external representation of individual loss of uniqueness. The emergence of a self-mirror image is both an obstacle to self-recognition and identity acquisition of human cloning and a symbol of extreme narcissism and loss of self in natural humans, with a view to exploring the possible confusion of identity and ethics resulting from cloning techniques. It reveals the psychological root of human infatuation with self-replication, turns a disaster that has not yet occurred into a conflict between roles, and uses film means to guide people out of the abyss of abusing technology. Soul mate is a kind of special character relationship in the movie. Unlike twins and clones, this kind of character is not logical and is entirely the artistic creation of the director. While maintaining the physical uniqueness, this kind of image has an object of mutual echo in spirit, focusing on the expression of emotional resonance and soul fit. In the process of finding their own "another life", the two characters discover their own individual consciousness and reflect a hope of finding their ideal self and getting rid of their fate. But in the end, they always miss each other, revealing the loneliness and the endless search for self. The existence and enrichment of the "Gemini" phenomenon in the film is due to the attention paid by the creators to the inner world of human beings. These films are not only novel because of the particularity of the character setting, but also the director usually intends to set up two characters whose external forms are completely identical as extreme opposites, so that they can re-recognize and construct themselves through the other side. In order to coordinate the internal self-relationship and the self-environment relationship of individual, the self-examination with philosophical thinking is embodied, that is, the subjective pursuit of human beings and the object anxiety. At the same time, the depth of exploring the world of human spirit and soul is also ramming and enhancing the position of film as an independent art in the art family, and practicing the essence of art.


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