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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-17 21:22
【摘要】:電影藝術(shù)在經(jīng)歷了百年歷史后,可視為現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)發(fā)展的領(lǐng)軍人物。兒童電影作為電影中的一員,同普通電影一樣,,從文本到本體到商業(yè)化經(jīng)營,不同角度的反映了一個(gè)國家一個(gè)地區(qū)的電影藝術(shù)水平。面對國產(chǎn)兒童電影發(fā)展的問題,這不僅僅需要自我反思,更多的應(yīng)通過與國外優(yōu)秀的兒童電影進(jìn)行對比,發(fā)掘自身問題,彌補(bǔ)不足。 本文在緒論中主要對兒童電影的概念進(jìn)行了概述,由此引出了筆者對兒童電影的基本看法,而后通過對兒童電影的文本探索、電影本體論及營銷方式三個(gè)方面的比較,尋求國產(chǎn)兒童電影中存在的主要問題及解決方法。在文本比較中主要突出了角色對比及故事類型兩種,一個(gè)好的故事,總是離不開好的角色,而好角色必然有多種故事類型塑造而成。國產(chǎn)兒童電影角色面臨的最大問題是對兒童本位思考,關(guān)于這個(gè)問題在學(xué)術(shù)界以多次探討,但在制作中總是不能得到很好的避免。筆者認(rèn)為造成這種現(xiàn)象的產(chǎn)生,另一個(gè)重要因素就是故事類型化發(fā)展較貧乏,隨之人物形象也較為缺乏,因此,故事多元化的發(fā)展才是擴(kuò)充電影人物形象的基本途徑。再論國產(chǎn)兒童電影在藝術(shù)方面,電影語言運(yùn)用不成熟、科技運(yùn)用更是少之又少,使得影片在觀賞性和藝術(shù)性兩方面都顯得較為貧乏,導(dǎo)致國產(chǎn)兒童電影往往成為一種文件片,在觀眾和學(xué)者兩個(gè)層面影響較小。 商業(yè)性是電影與生俱來的一種特殊屬性,兒童電影由于它極強(qiáng)的娛樂性,較普通電影而言具有更強(qiáng)的商業(yè)性。國產(chǎn)兒童電影則通常為政治服務(wù),娛樂性較少,致使電影商業(yè)化形式欠缺,直接影響限制了國產(chǎn)兒童電影的制作,與兒童電影制作有著相輔相成的關(guān)系。因此,拓展兒童電影的商業(yè)化發(fā)展,是大力發(fā)展兒童電影中不可忽視的一部分。
[Abstract]:After a hundred years of history, film art can be regarded as a leading figure in the development of modern art. As a member of movies, children's films, like ordinary films, reflect the level of film art in a country and a region from different angles from text to ontology to commercial management. Facing the problems of the development of domestic children's films, this not only needs self-reflection, but also should be compared with foreign excellent children's films to find out their own problems and make up for the deficiencies. In the introduction, this paper summarizes the concept of children's film, which leads to the author's basic views on children's films, and then compares the text exploration, film ontology and marketing methods of children's films. To seek the main problems and solutions in domestic children's films. In the text comparison, there are two kinds of characters: character contrast and story type. A good story is always inseparable from a good character, and a good character must be shaped by a variety of story types. The biggest problem faced by domestic children's film characters is to think about children's standard. This problem has been discussed many times in academic circles, but it can not be avoided well in production. The author thinks that another important factor that causes this kind of phenomenon is the poor development of story typology and the lack of character image. Therefore, the development of story diversification is the basic way to expand film character image. On the art aspect of domestic children's films, the immature use of film language and the rare use of science and technology make the films appear relatively poor in both the viewing and artistic aspects, resulting in domestic children's films often becoming a kind of document film. In the audience and scholars two levels of influence is small. Commercial film is a special attribute inherent in film. Because of its strong entertainment, children's film is more commercial than ordinary film. Domestic children's films usually serve for politics and have less entertainment, which leads to the lack of commercial form of films, which has a direct impact on the production of domestic children's films, and has a complementary relationship with the production of children's films. Therefore, to expand the commercial development of children's films is a part that can not be ignored in the development of children's films.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

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