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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-17 06:10
【摘要】:"融媒體"是充分利用媒介載體,把廣播、電視、報(bào)紙等既有共同點(diǎn),又存在互補(bǔ)性的不同媒體,在人力、內(nèi)容、宣傳等方面進(jìn)行全面整合,實(shí)現(xiàn)"資源通融、內(nèi)容兼融、宣傳互融、利益共融"的新型媒體。把傳統(tǒng)媒體與新媒體的優(yōu)勢(shì)發(fā)揮到極致,使單一媒體的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力變?yōu)槎嗝襟w共同的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力,從而為"我"所用,為"我"服務(wù)。使其功能、手段、價(jià)值得以全面提升的一種運(yùn)作模式,是一種實(shí)實(shí)在在的科學(xué)方法 ,是在實(shí)踐中看得見摸得著的具體行為。2016年,習(xí)近平總書記在全國(guó)科技創(chuàng)新大會(huì)、中國(guó)科學(xué)院第十八次院士大會(huì)和中國(guó)工程院第十三次院士大會(huì)、中國(guó)科學(xué)技術(shù)協(xié)會(huì)第九次全國(guó)代表大會(huì)上發(fā)表重要講話,強(qiáng)調(diào)"科技創(chuàng)新、科學(xué)普及是實(shí)現(xiàn)科技創(chuàng)新的兩翼,要把科學(xué)普及放在與科技創(chuàng)新同等重要的位置"。這是對(duì)創(chuàng)新發(fā)展的新闡述、新貢獻(xiàn),具有十分重要的意義;也是對(duì)科學(xué)普及工作的充分肯定,對(duì)廣大科普工作者是極大的鼓舞。科學(xué)普及、科技傳播對(duì)于社會(huì)的發(fā)展和科技的進(jìn)步具有極為重要的作用,是提升公民基本科學(xué)素養(yǎng)的重要措施。我國(guó)的科普傳播在全球處于落后狀態(tài),公民科普知識(shí)的需求很大。在三網(wǎng)融合的條件下,理清我國(guó)科普傳播發(fā)展的歷程及各個(gè)發(fā)展階段的科普特點(diǎn),對(duì)提高公民的科學(xué)素養(yǎng)、更好地進(jìn)行科普傳播來服務(wù)社會(huì)、服務(wù)人民具有重要的意義。
[Abstract]:"melt media" is to make full use of media carriers to integrate different media, such as radio, television, newspapers and so on, both in common and complementary, in terms of manpower, content, propaganda, and so on. A new type of media that propagandizes and blends with each other and benefits together. The advantages of traditional media and new media are brought into full play, so that the competitiveness of single media becomes the common competitiveness of multimedia, so that it can be used by "I" and serve "me". A mode of operation in which its functions, means, and values can be comprehensively upgraded is a practical scientific method and concrete behavior that can be seen and felt in practice. In 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the National Conference on Scientific and technological Innovation. The 18th Academician Congress of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 13th Academician Congress of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Ninth National Congress of the China Association of Science and Technology delivered important speeches, stressing that "Scientific and technological innovation and popularization of science and technology are the two wings of scientific and technological innovation." We should put the popularization of science in the same position as scientific and technological innovation. " This is a new elaboration and new contribution to innovation and development, which is of great significance, and is also a full affirmation of the work of popularizing science and a great encouragement to the vast number of science popularization workers. The popularization of science and technology communication plays an extremely important role in the development of society and the progress of science and technology, and is an important measure to improve the basic scientific literacy of citizens. The popularization of science in our country is in a backward state all over the world, and there is a great demand for popular science knowledge among citizens. Under the condition of the integration of the three networks, it is of great significance to clarify the course of the development of the popularization of science and the characteristics of the popularization of science in various stages of development in order to improve the citizens' scientific literacy, better carry out the popularization of science to serve the society and serve the people.
【作者單位】: 山西科普影視傳媒有限公司;


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2 ;[J];;年期

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4 本報(bào)記者 楊明;中小企業(yè)服務(wù)創(chuàng)新大會(huì)在京召開[N];中國(guó)工業(yè)報(bào);2013年

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7 記者 王澤明 通訊員 靳楠;全市科技創(chuàng)新大會(huì)召開[N];廊坊日?qǐng)?bào);2014年

8 記者 王寧;首屆期貨創(chuàng)新大會(huì)有望9月召開[N];上海證券報(bào);2014年

9 記者 程瑾;我市召開科技創(chuàng)新大會(huì)[N];渭南日?qǐng)?bào);2014年

10 記者 彭峭;首屆期貨創(chuàng)新大會(huì)本月17日召開[N];期貨日?qǐng)?bào);2014年





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