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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-17 01:29
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social life, people's dependence on the Internet has gradually increased. 2016 is called the first year of online self-production, and the speed of its content development is unexpected. Network self-production has its own diverse themes, language and narrative fragmentation features make it have a strong vitality. Although the internet self-production takes the main position in the film and television industry with its popular momentum, it does not pose a threat to the traditional TV series. On the contrary, it develops on the basis of traditional TV series combined with the characteristics of network broadcasting, and thus promotes the development of Chinese film and television art together with traditional TV plays. As an artistic form of TV series based on the production and broadcast of video websites, it is different from traditional TV plays in subject selection, character shaping, audiovisual language and narrative mode. However, reviewing the development of network self-production in recent years, it inevitably exposes the defects of its text, the homogeneity of content, the lack of strict regulatory standards and excessive commercialization. Nowadays, how to maximize the advantages of self-production and how to improve the defects is the most urgent concern, and it is also necessary to study the self-production of network. This article will analyze and summarize the network self-production, the full text will be divided into five chapters. In the introduction chapter, it is mainly to comb the research status of the network self-production, so as to deepen the research background knowledge of the network self-production, at the same time, it can better define the concept of the network self-production. The first chapter mainly discusses the subject matter of network self-production drama, discusses the theme source and theme type. The second chapter mainly analyzes which characters are created in the network self-production, and how to shape the characters. The third chapter mainly from the picture and the sound language, discusses the network self-made play in the picture characteristic because of the computer, the handset and so on mobile terminal broadcast characteristic, it is more inclined to the small scene difference picture and the regular picture group connection. And often use special effects and subtitles supplement. On the other hand, the sound features are mainly completed in the expression, expression and representation of the true. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the narrative perspective, narrative structure and narrative time and space, and summarizes its own unique narrative mode. The fifth chapter mainly points out the text defects existing in the network self-production, and puts forward suggestions for the development of the corresponding problems, so as to ensure a more benign forward development of the network self-production.


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