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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-17 00:02
[Abstract]:It is not difficult to find a series of very important transition points in the development of China's large-scale TV documentaries. At each transition point there will be extremely representative and have produced extensive and far-reaching documentary works. Since entering the new century, with the popularity of "The Imperial Palace" and "the rise of the Great Power", Chinese documentaries have shown obvious clues of transition in material selection, aesthetic pursuit, and artistic language. The payoff from these shifts is that there are a number of big documentaries that have been broadcast and have caused a sensation, that the number of documentaries has been rising, the number of documentaries coming into the cinema and the box office are hitting new highs. And today, singing "Modernization", China 1 on the tongue in 2012 and China 2 on the tongue in 2015 are part of a series of documentaries that reflect traditional Chinese diet. The sensational effect it has caused may not even have been thought of by its creators. Therefore, under the background of the new century, the status quo of the development of large-scale TV documentaries in China, the transformation opportunities, motive forces and future trends of market-oriented development have become hot topics discussed by experts and scholars, as well as media workers. Under this background, this article takes the large-scale television documentary which has been broadcast in the national television station since the new century as the research sample, adopts the literature analysis method, the contrast analysis method and the logic analysis method, etc. This paper studies the market-oriented transformation and characteristics of large-scale TV documentaries in China since the new century. The thesis is divided into four parts: the first part mainly reviews the three historical periods of China's large-scale TV documentaries, that is, the propaganda period, the documentary period and the market transformation period. At the same time, it analyzes the four major driving forces of marketization, that is, the political power. Cultural, social and market forces; The second part focuses on the market-oriented transformation of China's large-scale television documentaries since the new century, and analyzes the background, current situation and feasibility of the market-oriented transformation. The third part looks at the characteristics of the market-oriented transformation of China's large-scale TV documentary from the two aspects of "popular" creative practice and "pluralistic" creative concept. The fourth part looks forward to the future of the market-oriented transformation of China's large-scale television documentaries, hoping that China will be able to produce more excellent large-scale documentaries in the future, and achieve better development results on the road of marketization.


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