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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-16 01:48
[Abstract]:From the angle of confrontation and turn, this paper tries to put Guan Hu's film narration into the framework of the sixth Generation Director. By analyzing the social environment in which the film is filmed and the narrative structure of confrontation and turning which are common in the film narration, this paper draws a conclusion: with the political and commercial readjustment of Guan Hu, The vanguard spirit and antagonism consciousness of Guan Hu gradually turn and end. The first part of this paper analyzes the social environment of Guan Hu from the angle of besieging and reconciliation outside the screen, and finds out the reasons for the antagonism complex of Guan Hu. It also provides the basis for its transition from heresy to "special quality commercialization". The second part starts with the story in the screen and analyzes the antagonistic structure contained in the film: the individual, as the antagonist, confronts with the ritual of rock, sex / love and dream seeking, but ends with tragedy, which is embodied in the besieging that cannot be escaped. The third part discusses the process of Guan Hu's film aesthetics from the vanguard to reconciliation from the angle of film language: from the walking tone of Milan Kundera's "on the Road" to the self-narration of youth's spiritual course. To the historical narrative of metaphor and symbolism, which presents the language characteristics of carnival.


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7 邢z鑫,




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