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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-14 16:58
【摘要】:紀(jì)錄片《濰坊老味道》是一部關(guān)于山東濰坊地區(qū)飲食文化的解釋型人文題材紀(jì)錄片,,片子分別介紹了濰坊擁有的四大美食——朝天鍋、和樂、城隍廟肉火燒和杠子頭火燒的歷史文化故事及制作過程。 本文從敘事學(xué)角度對紀(jì)錄片《濰坊老味道》進(jìn)行了分析。指出作品采用了美國新紀(jì)錄電影的雜糅手法,既運(yùn)用了經(jīng)典的格里爾遜模式,也融入了真理電影的模式,將濰坊獨(dú)特的美食展現(xiàn)得淋漓盡致,使觀眾能夠從不同角度理解濰坊美食的發(fā)展歷程和文化底蘊(yùn),從而生發(fā)出對于勞動者的贊頌之情。
[Abstract]:The documentary "the Old taste of Weifang" is an explanatory humanistic documentary about the food culture in Weifang, Shandong Province. The film introduces the four gourmet foods Weifang has-Chaotian pot and harmony, respectively. The historical and cultural story and the production process of the fire of the meat and the head of the bars in the City God Temple. This paper analyzes the documentary Weifang Old taste from the perspective of narratology. It is pointed out that the works adopt the hybrid technique of the new American documentary film, which not only uses the classic Grierson model, but also incorporates the model of the truth film, which shows Weifang's unique cuisine incisively and vividly. So that the audience can understand the development of Weifang food from different angles and cultural heritage, thus giving birth to the praise of the workers.


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