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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-12 04:15
【摘要】:現(xiàn)實主義創(chuàng)作手法作用于電影這一藝術(shù)形式,由開始的知識術(shù)語的移用到成為連接現(xiàn)實與觀眾心靈、調(diào)和大眾與現(xiàn)實矛盾的重要工具,并逐漸演變?yōu)殡娪爸髁鲃?chuàng)作模式的一種,并以其較高的典型性和藝術(shù)性客觀真實的反映了社會百態(tài)與現(xiàn)實生活,與現(xiàn)實獨特的審美關(guān)系更使電影散發(fā)出無限的魅力,而縱觀應(yīng)用現(xiàn)實主義手法的電影,,無不貫穿著這樣的創(chuàng)作理念:對社會現(xiàn)實問題的關(guān)注,具體表現(xiàn)則是人與社會、人與自然、人與人、人與自身靈活的客觀展現(xiàn),真實反映了大千世界的各種現(xiàn)實形態(tài),也給予人們更多的反思。 作品《還債》所走的就是放低傳播媒介視角、關(guān)注平民生活的路線,利用現(xiàn)實主義的表現(xiàn)手法去進(jìn)行作品的構(gòu)思、拍攝與制作,讓我們在“小市民”的故事中得到一種“大思考”,觀察生活的本質(zhì)、時代的內(nèi)涵,對人性的善惡展開思考。
[Abstract]:Realism works on the art form of film. It is an important tool to connect the reality with the audience's mind, reconcile the contradiction between the public and the reality, and gradually evolve into the mainstream creative mode of the film from the beginning of the transfer of the terms of knowledge to the mind of the audience. And with its high typicality and artistry, it reflects the social variety and the real life objectively and realistically, and the unique aesthetic relationship with the reality makes the film exude infinite charm. All of them run through such creative ideas: the attention to the social reality, the concrete expression is the human and the society, the human and the nature, the human and the human, the human and the oneself nimble objective display, has truly reflected all kinds of realistic forms of the world, It also gives people more reflection. The work "debt repayment" is to lower the perspective of the media, pay attention to the line of civilian life, and use realistic expression to design, shoot and produce the work. Let us get a kind of "big thinking" in the story of "Little Citizen", observe the essence of life, the connotation of the times, and start thinking about the good and evil of human nature.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前1條

1 饒曙光;;“地氣”、倫理與現(xiàn)實主義[J];當(dāng)代電影;2010年08期




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