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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-11 16:07
【摘要】:魯劇如今已成為一種繁榮的文化現(xiàn)象,成為社會各界廣泛認可的文化品牌。然而,與電視熒屏前反響熱烈形成較大反差的是,將魯劇作為研究對象的學(xué)術(shù)研究成果為數(shù)尚少。本文以媒介社會學(xué)的獨特視角作為切入點,突破以往單從美學(xué)品格和文化特色的角度入手對文本進行探究的方法,從而探尋魯劇傳播與社會體系的一致性,以及思想層面所蘊涵的精神特質(zhì)。 魯劇是指山東電影電視劇制作中心團隊創(chuàng)作的電視劇作品。本文在對魯劇概念進行界定之后,梳理了魯劇的歷史發(fā)展脈絡(luò)軌跡。從20世紀80年代開始進入初步階段,90年代中期步入發(fā)展階段,再到21世紀探索出特色之路階段,顯示出魯劇沿著自身的軌跡更加成熟的向前發(fā)展。文章的主體部分首先從傳播學(xué)理論角度分析魯劇傳播的媒介環(huán)境與新社會文化語境。接著,對魯劇文本進行細致分析,從社會體制轉(zhuǎn)型、社會生活變化以及公眾社會心理需求嬗變?nèi)齻角度解讀魯劇與社會變遷的關(guān)系;中國社會結(jié)構(gòu)獨有的結(jié)構(gòu)模式“家國同構(gòu)”同樣在魯劇中有一致承襲,國家政治的歷史變遷牽動著小家庭的命運浮沉,家庭的悲歡離合映射出國家的興衰榮辱,家與國同呼吸共命運。再次,以媒介的社會功能說為理論支撐,提煉歸納出魯劇集中體現(xiàn)出的傳播效果和社會功能,揭示魯劇的美學(xué)精神和社會文化意蘊,叩問其在意識形態(tài)上的深刻影響。文末指出魯劇進一步發(fā)展急需突破的瓶頸和可能的發(fā)展之路:對齊魯文化資源深度挖掘,避免題材固定化、模式化的問題;同時也對魯劇創(chuàng)作者提出客觀理性的要求,力圖從創(chuàng)作心理上根本性轉(zhuǎn)變,以希望能對魯劇發(fā)展的未來發(fā)展方向有所啟發(fā)。
[Abstract]:Lu Opera has become a prosperous cultural phenomenon and a widely recognized cultural brand. However, in contrast to the enthusiastic response in front of the TV screen, the number of academic research achievements on Lu Opera as the object of study is still few. This article takes the unique angle of view of media sociology as the breakthrough point, breaks through the previous method of exploring the text from the angle of aesthetic character and cultural characteristics, and then explores the consistency between the communication of Lu Opera and the social system. And the spiritual characteristics contained in the ideological level. Lu opera refers to the Shandong film and TV drama production center team created TV play works. After defining the concept of Lu Opera, this paper combs the track of its historical development. From the 1980s to the initial stage, the mid-1990s into the stage of development, and then to the 21st century to explore the characteristics of the road stage, showing that the Lu opera along its own track of more mature forward development. The main part of this paper first analyzes the media environment and new social cultural context of Lu Opera from the angle of communication theory. Secondly, the text of Lu Opera is analyzed in detail, which explains the relationship between Shandong opera and social change from three angles: social system transformation, social life change and the change of public social psychological needs. The unique structural model of Chinese social structure, "homogeneity of family and country", is also inherited unanimously in the drama of Lu. The historical changes of national politics affect the fate of small families, and the vicissitudes of families reflect the rise and fall of the country. Home and country breathe together fate. Thirdly, based on the theory of social function of media, the author abstracts the communication effect and social function embodied in Lu opera, reveals the aesthetic spirit and social and cultural implication of Lu opera, and asks for its profound influence on ideology. At the end of the article, the author points out that the further development of Shandong opera needs to break through the bottleneck and the possible way of development: the deep excavation of Qilu cultural resources to avoid the problem of fixed and stylized themes; At the same time, it also puts forward the objective and rational request to the creators of Lu opera, and tries to make a fundamental change from the creative psychology in order to enlighten the future direction of the development of Lu opera.


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3 宋林飛;中國社會轉(zhuǎn)型的趨勢、代價及其度量[J];江蘇社會科學(xué);2002年06期

4 尹鴻;沖突與共謀——論中國電視劇的文化策略[J];文藝研究;2001年06期

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1 戴慶鋒;功能主義視閾下社會主義和諧社會的構(gòu)建[D];廣西師范大學(xué);2008年





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