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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-11 04:11
【摘要】:冷暴力行為延展到電影領(lǐng)域成為一種類型風(fēng)格,其語言上的特征和主觀意識的選擇就轉(zhuǎn)化為了主題的呈現(xiàn)和劇情的安排。核心表現(xiàn)為:通過表現(xiàn)人與人之間的欺騙、背叛、謊言與漠視,剖析人性或展現(xiàn)社會問題。同樣,無論創(chuàng)作者的觀點(diǎn)是對冷暴力持批判還是贊揚(yáng),客觀上都不可避免的需要弱化道德,從而實(shí)現(xiàn)主題的表達(dá)。盡管“冷暴力”是非體力的暴力展現(xiàn),情感虐待作為精神意志層面的傷害很難用具象的視覺方式展現(xiàn)。但冷暴力電影作為暴力電影的分支,仍然存在身體敘事,承擔(dān)這一敘事的元素變形為肉體的強(qiáng)調(diào)或情色場面。 彭浩翔電影經(jīng)常被指責(zé)為“三俗”電影,充斥著大量的色情和粗口,內(nèi)容上也多是被道德批判的對象。與其他冷暴力電影不同的是,彭浩翔用黑色幽默和亂燉解構(gòu)的方式表達(dá)冷暴力的主題,從而形成一種怪誕而獨(dú)特的個人風(fēng)格。彭浩翔熱衷于講述人的關(guān)系,他的十一部電影都有冷暴力元素,并且電影與電影之間存在著傳承關(guān)系。彭浩翔的影像表達(dá)對于構(gòu)圖和色彩都運(yùn)用的很好。特別是其表現(xiàn)人物的孤獨(dú)、隔絕、欺騙、背叛、冷漠等狀態(tài),都顯露出獨(dú)特的構(gòu)想。彭浩翔受到后殖民文化的影響和自覺地提煉,成功地在表達(dá)“暴力”主題時有了新的方式。男性視角變成了一個隱性的立場,冷暴力美學(xué)風(fēng)格既滿足了男性對于性與暴力的想象,同時細(xì)膩的刻畫也贏得了女性的認(rèn)同。這是彭浩翔作品中冷暴力元素的根本原因。
[Abstract]:Cold violence extends to the field of film and becomes a kind of style. The choice of language features and subjective consciousness is transformed into the presentation of the theme and the arrangement of the plot. The core performance is to analyze human nature or to show social problems by showing deception, betrayal, lies and indifference between people. Similarly, whether the creators' views are critical of cold violence or praise, it is inevitable to weaken morality objectively and realize the expression of theme. Although "cold violence" is non-physical violence, emotional abuse as a mental-will-level injury is difficult to visualize. However, as a branch of violent film, cold violence film still exists body narrative, and the elements of this narrative are transformed into physical emphasis or erotic scene. Peng Haoxiang's films are often criticized as "three vulgar" films, full of pornography and vulgarity, as well as the subject of moral criticism. Unlike other cold violence films, Peng uses black humor and disorganization to express the theme of cold violence, thus forming a bizarre and unique personal style. Peng Haoxiang is a keen narrator of human relations. His 11 films have a cool and violent element, and there is a relationship between films and films. Peng Haoxiang's image expression is very good at composition and color. Especially the loneliness, isolation, deception, betrayal, apathy and so on, all show their unique ideas. Influenced and consciously refined by post-colonial culture, Peng Haoxiang succeeded in a new way of expressing the theme of violence. Male perspective has become a recessive position, cold violence aesthetic style not only meets the male imagination of sex and violence, but also the delicate portrayal has won the recognition of women. This is the root cause of the cold and violent elements in Peng Haoxiang's works.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前3條

1 郝建;美學(xué)的暴力與暴力美學(xué)——雜耍蒙太奇新論[J];當(dāng)代電影;2002年05期

2 張燕;;彭浩翔電影的黑色幽默和文化呈現(xiàn)[J];當(dāng)代電影;2007年03期

3 蔡高宇;;彭浩翔電影修辭的三副面孔——以《志明與春嬌》為例[J];文藝爭鳴;2012年08期





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