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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-07 11:53
[Abstract]:With the development of new media technology, "micro" matter permeates every aspect of people's life. In the definition of "microimage" in XMOV World Microimaging Festival, micro-image is defined as creative, entertainment, cross-language, cross-cultural communication. Entertainment has always been an indispensable part of the definition of numerous functions of art. People's intention to participate in artistic activities is also due to the entertainment of art and its function of spiritual pleasure. At present, micro-image has precisely this kind of nature and function, and presents the tendency of entertainment. This trend is often in the framework of the psychological structure and social structure of entertainment, and is influenced by the context of tradition and present, east and west, elite and masses, sensibility and reason. In the context of contemporary popular culture, the entertainment character of art has never been highlighted, which naturally has its full realistic rationality and positive significance. In addition, we must also realize that under the influence of consumerism, the entertainment of art is popularized and spread, at the same time, the liberated sense of entertainment is faced with the dilemma of "vulgarization" and "vulgarization". The purpose of this paper is to explore the popular culture, entertainment culture and the trend of microimage entertainment from the sociological point of view, to seek the law of this trend and to analyze its influence on the media art. So that micro-image entertainment and artistry can find the corresponding points of convergence, play a role of entertainment and micro-image as a communication language complementary role.


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