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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-07 07:54
[Abstract]:Background: in visual communication, the earliest contact of primary-age children is animation, which is no-age communication. Generation after generation of great works, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, even think that animated hero is the comfort of people's hearts. Animation not only affects the growth of generation after generation, but also promotes the understanding and communication between countries, and increases the sense of national mission. Behind the strong interest, promote the development of the world culture, it is the power. The world's super animation power, their work has covered the entire earth, almost no one knows. This is not only the national influence but also the implanted strength of national culture, the implantation of human thinking and the ability of human action. Hari, the pursuit of the United States, the Korean current, is the success of implantation. When will the global trend of Chinese wind come? Research methods: this paper introduces the types of cultural implantation from the second chapter, through Japan, the United States, China, France listed countries to find the location of cultural implantation, and then from the third chapter of Asia and Europe animation cultural implantation comparison, In order to find out the development of animation implantation in China, this paper analyzes the cultural implantation situation of Asian and European animation countries in a summary way. Key chapters: the fourth chapter is the key chapter. China is regarded as a big country of domestic children's cartoons, not because only children in China like to watch cartoons, but because the orientation of Chinese animation is generally low, resulting in low ratings and age. Through the study of cultural implantation, we can find out the deficiencies of the development of Chinese animation, and better develop the domestic animation, which has received a wide range of norms. The realization of these contents must cater to the title of chapter four: "how to find a suitable way of cultural implantation in China and be able to integrate into the mainstream market" and find five ways to solve it. They are: to find the right implantation point and implantation method; the audience set of the story itself; the mainstream commercial value of the cinema reference; the future development of animation; to improve the potential and creation of animators is the key. This requires us to do animation as a test, to study the domestic and foreign classic animation model, to create a huge profit of Chinese animation in the Chinese market. The significance and conclusion of this study: through "the Research on Cultural Implant of Animated Film", we can let China get rid of the situation of domestic animation, let the Chinese people have their own classic heroes, and make the people of the world really understand Chinese culture. Only Chinese cartoons can go international. Only to recognize the market value, cultural value, change ideas, find the commercial value in line with the market, reflect the individual feelings of the people, I believe that the influence of the Chinese style is within reach. The reason why cultural implantation is done well is not to implant it for the purpose of implantation, but to make the content of the implant more fluent with the story of the film itself. Only by doing all things well can the cultural implant be done well, and the audience can accept it more easily. The research on the cultural implantation of animated films makes sense only in this paper.


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