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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-27 20:51
[Abstract]:The War of Resistance against Japan is a national war of the Chinese nation against Japanese aggression. Anti-Japanese TV series refers to the TV series in which the Chinese people resist Japanese aggression against the background of the War of Resistance against Japan. The anti-Japanese drama bears the national spirit of resisting foreign aggression of the Chinese nation and satisfies the reconstruction of national historical memory by national ideology and the imagination of the audience about the history of anti-Japanese war. It has special political significance of the times. The domestic anti-Japanese drama appeared in the eighties of the 20th century and experienced three stages: the serious anti-Japanese drama in the eighties, the anti-Japanese drama in the consumption transition in the 1990s and the multi-entertainment anti-Japanese drama in the new century. In the new century, in order to pursue economic profits, distort history at will, graft various elements of commercial entertainment, and play the history of the War of Resistance against Japan, the anti-Japanese drama has appeared the phenomenon of excessive entertainment, which has produced a series of negative effects. Starting with the history of domestic anti-Japanese drama, this paper analyzes the phenomenon of over-entertainment in domestic anti-Japanese drama, analyzes the causes of over-entertainment of domestic anti-Japanese drama, and evaluates the value of over-entertainment of domestic anti-Japanese drama. Finally, the author put forward to improve the development of the phenomenon of excessive entertainment of domestic anti-Japanese drama. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter combs the history of domestic anti-Japanese drama. The second chapter describes the phenomenon of over-entertainment of domestic anti-Japanese drama in the new century. Firstly, it analyzes the difference between entertainment and over-entertainment, and points out that the phenomenon of over-entertainment exists in domestic anti-Japanese drama in the new century. Finally, the article analyzes the performance of the over-entertainment of anti-Japanese drama in the new century. The third chapter mainly analyzes the reason of excessive entertainment of domestic anti-Japanese drama. It mainly analyzes from three aspects: the penetration of consumption concept under the consumption culture, the flaws under the control of ideology and the pandering to the aesthetic psychology of the audience. The fourth chapter mainly evaluates the phenomenon of excessive entertainment of domestic anti-Japanese drama. The author thinks that the over-entertainment of anti-Japanese drama is the deconstruction of history, which causes the audience to misunderstand the war, and hinders the improvement of the audience's aesthetic literacy. It leads to the nothingness of the national spirit. The fifth chapter is the author's suggestions on the development and thinking of domestic anti-Japanese drama, mainly divided into four points, one is to establish a rational consumption concept, the other is to excavate the spiritual connotation of anti-Japanese drama, second, to respect history and pay attention to the social benefits of anti-Japanese drama; The third is to strengthen the supervision at the national level, to perfect the censorship system of TV programs, and the fourth is to improve the aesthetic taste and adhere to the historical value orientation of anti-Japanese drama. Finally, the development of anti-Japanese drama in the future is prospected. Firstly, the rationality of the existence of anti-Japanese drama is affirmed. How to film anti-Japanese drama is the key to the development of anti-Japanese drama, hoping to achieve the social and economic benefits of anti-Japanese drama double harvest.


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