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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-06 08:26

  本文選題:叫座不叫好” + “叫好不叫座” ; 參考:《山東師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, China's film industry has become more market-oriented, and the proportion of the total box office of Chinese films has been rising every year, which shows the strength of China's film culture industry to the world. But realistically speaking, behind the booming box-office market, there are also some hidden worries. The phenomenon of film box office and word of mouth break is becoming more and more common and more vivid. There is even a "no-pep" and "no pedestal" antagonism. This paper will analyze and evaluate this phenomenon with concrete examples. The introduction mainly summarizes the research background and significance, combs the related research status, and defines the concepts of word-of-mouth, box office and so on. It is believed that the study of this kind of film phenomenon is helpful to the intuitive understanding of the problems existing in the film industry, to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the film market in China. In the first chapter, by combing the representative films at the high box office in China in recent years, and comparing them with the low scores and poor word-of-mouth of these films, It is found that these films include "Little Age", "Breaking Master", "where Dad goes" and "the Moon of the White-haired Magic woman", "the Nine-story Monster Tower", and so on. The phenomenon of "no praise" has some negative effects on film creation, audience aesthetics and film market in China. In the second chapter, through the combing of good word-of-mouth, high-scoring representative films in China in recent years, and comparing them with the low box office of these films, It is found that the films of "No popularity" include realistic themes such as "Mountain River Old Man" and "Maze of mind" and "Golden Age" and "Assassin Nie Hermit" and other historical / martial arts kung fu themes. Due to the fact that these excellent films are unable to realize their cultural value and social function, they are eventually reduced to a pile of "dead image materials", which makes it more difficult to reproduce these films with distinctive artistic attributes. The third chapter analyzes the causes of the phenomenon of "no popularity" and "no praise" in recent years in Chinese films, and thinks that there are two main reasons: on the one hand, under the impact of consumer culture, the Chinese film market in recent years. On the other hand, some filmmakers put too much emphasis on the commercial value of the film and ignored the artistic value and humanistic connotation. Others put too much emphasis on personal style and subjective expression, ignoring the audience's aesthetic needs and receptivity. These two kinds of creation will hinder our country movie to move toward the real prosperous development road. The conclusion points out that the standardization and maturity of Chinese film market need to be improved. Chinese filmmakers, moviegoers and cultural industry authorities are duty-bound to curb box-office and word-of-mouth phenomena in recent years. As long as all parties make joint efforts to stir up the confusion, such as the "Mekong Action", there will be more and more films, and the Chinese film market will certainly achieve rational, healthy and sustainable development.


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