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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-05 12:56

  本文選題:《戴珍珠耳環(huán)的少女》 + 維米爾; 參考:《電影文學(xué)》2017年15期

【摘要】:崔西·雪佛蘭(Tracy Chevalier)的長篇小說《戴珍珠耳環(huán)的少女》被彼得·韋伯搬上銀幕,并獲得第76屆奧斯卡金像獎3項(xiàng)提名。至此,17世紀(jì)荷蘭畫家維米爾的情感世界為更多的人所熟知。影片情節(jié)并非對歷史的還原,而是基于歷史的"藝術(shù)重構(gòu)"。在創(chuàng)作形式上,將古典繪畫的光影技法融匯到影片的整體色調(diào)當(dāng)中,同時(shí)采用隱喻的方式,以含蓄的電影本體語言將要表達(dá)的思想意圖有效地傳遞給觀眾。彼得·韋伯給創(chuàng)作者一個啟示,從當(dāng)代語境去揭示歷史題材的藝術(shù)價(jià)值,影視作品會更有生命力。
[Abstract]:Tracy Chevalier's novel, the Girl in Pearl Earrings, was put on screen by Peter Webber and nominated for the 76th Academy Award. Thus the 17 th century Dutch painter Vermeer's emotional world is well known to more people. The plot is not the restoration of history, but the art reconstruction based on history. In the form of creation, the light and shadow techniques of classical painting are integrated into the overall tone of the film, and the metaphorical approach is adopted to convey to the audience the intention expressed by the implicit film Noumenon language. Peter Weber reveals the artistic value of historical themes from the contemporary context, and film and television works will have more vitality.
【作者單位】: 大連大學(xué)美術(shù)學(xué)院;




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