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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-05 11:01

  本文選題:日本電影 + 職場電影; 參考:《電影文學(xué)》2017年09期

[Abstract]:Japanese workplace film is not only a medium reflecting Japanese culture, but also a window to reveal social reality problems and an important tool for shaping the spiritual outlook of modern Japanese. From the popular Japanese career TV series to Japanese career movies, this special art form constantly depicts the real or ideal Japanese culture. The Japanese film "the Book of the Boat" is a breakthrough and a model for this paper to study Japanese workplace films. The film has pushed Japanese career films to a new height, which shows the self-growth and emotional gain of the professional people at the same time. Also highlighted and forged a universal value and practical value of the new Japanese workplace spirit.
【作者單位】: 西安培華學(xué)院國際教育學(xué)院;


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8 西m,




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