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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-02 20:13

  本文選題:瀟影集團(tuán) + 湖湘文化; 參考:《湖南師范大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:建國以來,以革命戰(zhàn)爭為題材的紅色影視一直活躍于熒幕之上。紅色影視一直備受我國影視界的重視。隨著紅色影視的被重視以及市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的刺激,作為七大影視集團(tuán)之一的湖南瀟湘電影集團(tuán)充分發(fā)揮地域文化優(yōu)勢(shì),創(chuàng)作出一大批優(yōu)秀革命題材影視作品,使瀟湘影視集團(tuán)在影視界獲得較高的榮譽(yù)。紅色影視也逐步成為瀟影的重點(diǎn)特色產(chǎn)業(yè)之一 緒論部分概述了本選題的背景,確定了“紅色影視”的內(nèi)涵及其發(fā)展歷史。進(jìn)而陳述了選題的意義以及紅色影視的研究現(xiàn)狀。 第一章“紅色影視的生成境遇”,從國家政策入手,分析瀟影集團(tuán)逐步成長的過程與國家政策息息相關(guān),再聯(lián)系湖湘地域文化的特點(diǎn)、鄉(xiāng)土人情、革命歷史人物故事方面,分析它們對(duì)瀟影集團(tuán)紅色影視發(fā)展所提供的有利條件,后聯(lián)系瀟影集團(tuán)發(fā)展過程中的時(shí)代環(huán)境,特別是正逢中國電影史上出現(xiàn)的“第五代導(dǎo)演”對(duì)瀟影集團(tuán)拍攝紅色影視破傳統(tǒng)路線的重要意義,以瀟影近三十年拍攝的紅色影視為例證,說明瀟影集團(tuán)紅色影視品牌與時(shí)代精神是相契合的。 第二章“瀟影紅色電影的題材選擇”,以瀟影集團(tuán)拍攝的眾多紅色影視為探究基礎(chǔ),將其影視分為關(guān)于工農(nóng)革命運(yùn)動(dòng)、解放以后的戰(zhàn)斗生活、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人物的日常生活等三大類別。通過相關(guān)影片內(nèi)容的具體分析,解讀瀟影集團(tuán)在選材方面所受地域文化的影響,認(rèn)為大多數(shù)影片都以本土人物故事為核心,表現(xiàn)湖湘人士所特有的革命精神。 第三章“瀟影紅色電影的形象塑造”,緊扣“形象”二字研究瀟影集團(tuán)各類影片中人物形象塑造的特點(diǎn)。結(jié)合湖南辣椒文化的特色,研究瀟湘紅色影視中張揚(yáng)而又柔情的女性形象;結(jié)合湖湘憂國憂民、敢為人先的精神,解讀影片中壯志凌云的革命青年以及憂國憂民的革命領(lǐng)袖所具有的性格特征?傊,瀟湘紅色影視人物形象性格中均彰顯了湖湘人的精神品質(zhì)。 第四章“瀟影紅色電影的藝術(shù)風(fēng)格”,主要解讀瀟影紅色影視作品所呈現(xiàn)出來的兩種藝術(shù)風(fēng)格,一是革命戰(zhàn)火中的浪漫,二是英勇無畏中的悲壯,進(jìn)而揭示瀟湘紅色影視所呈現(xiàn)的品牌意義。 結(jié)語部分認(rèn)為研究瀟湘紅色影片的品牌特征,不僅有助于瀟湘集團(tuán)自身的發(fā)展,明確以后的發(fā)展方向,也有利于湖湘文化借助紅色題材影視,走出湖南,走向全國。
[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the red film and television with revolutionary war theme has been active on the screen. Red film and television has always been the focus of our film and television industry. With the attention paid to the red film and television and the stimulation of the market economy, Hunan Xiaoxiang Film Group, one of the seven major film and television groups, has brought into full play its regional cultural advantages and created a large number of excellent film and television works with revolutionary themes. Xiaoxiang Film and Television Group in the film and television industry to obtain a higher honor. Red film and television has gradually become one of the key characteristic industries of Xiao Ying. In the introduction part, the background of this topic is summarized, and the connotation and development history of "Red Film and Television" are determined. Then the significance of the topic and the status quo of red film and television research are stated. The first chapter, "the formation of Red Film and Television", starts with the national policy, analyzes that the gradual growth process of Xiao Ying Group is closely related to the national policy, and then links with the characteristics of Huxiang regional culture, local human feelings, and the story of revolutionary historical figures. This paper analyzes the favorable conditions they provide for the development of the red film and television of Xiao Ying Group, and the time environment in the process of the development of Xiao Ying Group. In particular, it coincides with the importance of the "fifth generation director" appearing in the history of Chinese cinema to the Xiao Ying Group in breaking the traditional line of shooting the red film and television, exemplified by the red film and television filmed by Xiao Ying in the past 30 years. Xiaoying Group Red Film and Television brand and the spirit of the times is consistent. The second chapter is "the theme selection of Xiao Ying Red Film", which is based on the numerous red films and films shot by Xiao Ying Group, which are divided into three categories: the revolutionary movement of workers and peasants, the battle life after liberation, and the daily life of leading characters. Through the concrete analysis of the content of the relevant films, this paper interprets the influence of the regional culture on the selection of the materials of Xiao Ying Group, and thinks that most of the films take the local character story as the core and express the unique revolutionary spirit of the Huxiang personages. Chapter three, "Image shaping of Xiao Shadow Red Film", closely studies the characters in all kinds of films of Xiao Ying Group. Combined with the characteristics of Hunan chili culture, the study of Xiaoxiang red film and television in the publicity and tenderness of the female image, combined with Huxiang worry about the country and the people, the spirit of being the first, Unscramble the character of the ambitious revolutionary youth and the worried revolutionary leader in the film. In short, Xiaoxiang red film and television figures in the character of the characters show the spiritual quality of Hunan people. The fourth chapter, "the artistic style of Xiao Ying Red Film", mainly interprets the two artistic styles presented by Xiao Ying Red Film and TV works, one is the romance in the revolutionary war, the other is the bravery and bravery in the bravery. And then reveal the brand significance of Xiaoxiang Red Film and TV. The conclusion part thinks that studying the brand characteristics of Xiaoxiang Red Film is not only helpful to the development of Xiaoxiang Group, but also helpful to Hunan culture to go out of Hunan and go to the whole country with the help of Red theme Film and Television.


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