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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-02 20:45

  本文選題:職業(yè)劇 + 敘事結(jié)構(gòu) ; 參考:《南京師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Occupation is the product of social division of labor, with outstanding times and social characteristics. Compared with idol dramas, espionage dramas, antiquated dramas and other types of TV dramas, professional dramas have a strong degree of social relevance, and can more accurately convey the special position and nature of a particular occupation in social life. Professional performance of the characteristics of the work and mental outlook. Professional drama is a very important TV series in Japan. As a mature type of TV series, Japanese professional drama has distinctive artistic characteristics in terms of narrative content and external narrative form. The object of this paper is the narrative characteristics of Japanese professional drama. From the artistic point of view of narratology, it is mainly analyzed and studied from the perspective of literature research, case analysis, comparative research, combined with the character setting of narratology, plot pattern and narrative structure, and narrative viewpoint characteristics. On the basis of summing up the existing research results, this paper discusses the present situation and defects of professional drama in the mainland by means of the combination of comparison and theoretical analysis. Through the author's research, it is found that there are problems in the creation of characters and theme images, the non-standardization of plot and the length of drama series in the new period, and the reasons are caused by the fact that the development of professional drama in the mainland is still in its infancy. In view of the comparative study with Japanese professional drama, this paper explores how the mainland professional drama should draw lessons from and absorb the advantages of Japanese professional drama. The author thinks that the mainland professional drama should be more plump in shaping characters and themes. The plot model has become more standardized, while the length of the series should be streamlined so that the narration can be completed in a shorter space, and it is hoped that the writers in the mainland will seriously absorb nutrients. Create a more professional film and television with mainstream values.


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