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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-12 21:28

  本文選題:愛國主義 + 情感; 參考:《思想理論教育》2017年09期

[Abstract]:Patriotism, as an important content of socialist core values, under the background of economic globalization, has produced the so-called "legitimacy crisis".It is necessary to interpret patriotism correctly and answer the question of crisis in theory.Patriotism is first of all an emotion, but the emotion form of patriotism is unstable and must be sublimated and transformed into social moral norms.At the same time, patriotism is also a political view, patriotism is a citizen's social responsibility and obligation.In addition, patriotism also has the moral sublimation level of individual spiritual conversion. For individuals, obtaining the inner experience at this level depends more on personal emotion and ideological consciousness.Namely to the individual thought character and the thought realm has the higher request.
【作者單位】: 西安科技大學(xué)思想政治教育研究所;


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