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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-10 22:26

  本文選題:思想政治教育 + 學科建設(shè); 參考:《中南大學》2014年博士論文

【摘要】:思想政治教育學科還是一門稚嫩的學科,對一些帶有根本性的理論與實踐問題,諸如研究對象、學科本質(zhì)、學科屬性、學科邊界、功能定位等,學界仍然缺乏共識。深度探討這些問題的理論本質(zhì)及其發(fā)展趨勢,對學科理論進行適度甚至是高度概括,就是學科界定。這對推動學科的科學發(fā)展具有重要的理論價值和現(xiàn)實意義。 思想政治教育學科有著深厚的歷史淵源和廣泛的社會背景,有中國傳統(tǒng)德教文化的歷史積淀、我黨思想政治工作的歷史經(jīng)驗、世界其他國家中有關(guān)公民意識、政治意識、和倫理道德教育的借鑒。在馬克思主義理論指導下,學科經(jīng)歷了初步建設(shè)、學科整合、深度發(fā)展三個階段,始終遵循著服從服務主導意識形態(tài)、借鑒依托相關(guān)學科成果、總結(jié)升華思政實踐經(jīng)驗的發(fā)展理路。 研究對象是學科確立的邏輯起點。思想政治教育學科研究對象必須體現(xiàn)主導意識形態(tài)的存在,是以主導意識形態(tài)為核心的思想政治教育現(xiàn)象及其規(guī)律,存在一個“一體兩翼”的結(jié)構(gòu)特征,核心概念是思想政治教育,主要研究領(lǐng)域涵蓋思想政治教育的本質(zhì)、價值和實施三個方面。 學科本質(zhì)是一門學科存在合理性的哲學依據(jù)。思政學科的本質(zhì)可以概括為思想政治教育現(xiàn)象的學理認知、思政實踐的理論升華、思政規(guī)律的知識體系等方面,是關(guān)于意識形態(tài)教育理論方法的邏輯體系。馬克思主義本質(zhì)觀是學科本質(zhì)存在的理論依據(jù),思想政治教育“生命線”地位的確立是學科本質(zhì)的實踐依據(jù)。 理論屬性是指學科理論表現(xiàn)出的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系性和邏輯性,是反映學科最一般、最本質(zhì)的特性,是劃分學科歸屬的學術(shù)標準。它是學科研究對象進行形而上的理論抽象產(chǎn)生的學科屬性特征。從理論屬性上講,思想政治教育是一門多科融合的交叉邊緣學科,是服從服務于馬克思主義意識形態(tài)的應用學科,又是中國向度的意識形態(tài)教育類學科。學科應堅持國際視野的學術(shù)追求,避免成為自說自話、封閉僵化的理論體系。 實踐屬性是指學科在連接主客觀活動過程中的內(nèi)在規(guī)定性,是學科表現(xiàn)出的應用性和工具性特征。它是因?qū)W科研究對象根植實踐、源于實踐、指向?qū)嵺`而產(chǎn)生的學科屬性。具體表現(xiàn)為理論來源的實踐性、目的指向的實踐性和學科特殊的應用性。理論來源的實踐性是指其學科直接源于思想政治工作實踐,根植于實踐需要;學科的目的指向,主要在于人的政治社會化實踐和精神建構(gòu)實踐;學科特殊的應用性,特就特在提升人們思想政治素質(zhì)、實現(xiàn)社會的意識形態(tài)控制等方面的特定實踐。 思想政治教育學科的社會功能,是學科界定的重要內(nèi)涵性因素.它集中體現(xiàn)為發(fā)揮核心價值主導下的超越性思想引領(lǐng)功能,可具體分解為解釋性功能、目的性功能、工具性功能三個基本維度。為取得話語形式和表現(xiàn)形式的突破,更好地發(fā)揮學科的社會功能,還必須更加注重教育對象接受心理、主客體互動規(guī)律、教育信息傳播的優(yōu)化、隱性教育資源的挖掘等方面的突破性研究。 學科邊界是指一門學科在研究領(lǐng)域、功能發(fā)揮方面的限度,是學科界定的重要外延性因素。通過比較分析,思政學科與同領(lǐng)域的相鄰二級學科的邊界要進一步厘清;與德育學在狹義概念和概念來源上差異明顯;與政治學和倫理學在對象和研究側(cè)重中有很大不同。與國外相關(guān)意識形態(tài)類學科比較,體現(xiàn)出強烈的中國風格等。
[Abstract]:The subject of Ideological and political education is a young discipline, some of the fundamental problems of theory and practice, such as the research object, subject essence, subject attribute, subject boundary, function orientation, scholars still lack of consensus. To explore the depth of theoretical essence and development trend of these problems, the theory of moderate or even height generally, is the subject definition. This is to promote scientific development, has important theoretical value and practical significance.
The subject of Ideological and political education has profound historical origin and broad social background, there are Chinese traditional moral education history and culture, the historical experience of our party's ideological and political work, the citizens of other countries in the world in consciousness, political consciousness, moral education and reference. In the guidance of Marx's Theory, the discipline has experienced preliminary the construction of disciplinary integration, three stages of depth development, has always followed the service dominant ideology, from relying on the results of the related disciplines, summarizes the development path of sublimation of Ideological and political practice.
The research object is the logical starting point of the establishment of a discipline. The object of the ideological and political education research must embody the dominant ideology, is the ideological and political education phenomenon in the dominant ideology is the core of the structure and its law, there is a "one body with two wings", the core concept is the ideological and political education, the essence of the ideological and political education mainly covers the research field value, and the implementation of the three aspects.
The subject is the essence of philosophical basis for the rationality of the existence of a discipline. The essence of Ideological and political education can be summarized as the phenomenon of Ideological and political education of academic knowledge, sublimation of Ideological and political theory in the practice of Ideological and political aspects, the knowledge system of law, is the logic system of theory and method of ideological education. Marx's view of nature is the theoretical basis of subject essence the establishment of the ideological and political education "lifeline" status is the subject essence and practice basis.
The theory of property refers to the theory show the inner relation and logic, is the most general characteristics reflect the discipline, the most essential, is divided subject academic standards. It is the object of study of the metaphysical theory of abstract the subject attribute characteristics. From the theory on the attribution, the ideological and political education is a cross subject a multidisciplinary fusion, is subject to serve Marx ideology, and China to ideological education disciplines degree. Subjects should adhere to academic pursuit, to avoid becoming a talking, closed and rigid theory system.
The practice of property refers to the internal rules of the discipline in the connection of subjective and objective in the process, is the applied science show and instrumental features. It is because the study subject is rooted in practice, from practice, subject attribute points to practice and has practicality. The theory source, application purpose practice and Practice of special subject. Theoretical sources is that the subject directly derives from the practice of Ideological and political work, rooted in the need of practice; the purpose of the subject, mainly lies in the political socialization of people's practice and spirit construction practice; the application of a special, special characteristics in raising people's ideological and political quality in practice, the realization of specific social ideology control.
The subject of Ideological and political education is an important social function, connotation factors. It embodies the definition of discipline to play under the guidance of the core value of transcendental thought leading function, can be divided into specific interpretation function, objective function, three basic dimensions of tool function. For the discourse form breakthrough. Better play the social function of the discipline, must also pay more attention to the object of education psychology, the rule of interaction between subject and object, and optimize the education of information dissemination, breakthrough mining and other aspects of implicit education resources.
The subject boundary is a subject in the field of research, the function of the limits is an important extension of the subject definition. Factors through a comparative analysis of political thought in the same field and adjacent disciplines two disciplines to further clarify the boundaries; and in the narrow sense of moral education concept and the concept of the sources of differences and politics; and ethics in the object and focus on research in very different. Comparing with foreign related ideological disciplines, reflecting the strong China style.



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