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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-10 08:24

  本文選題:道德 切入點:道德模范 出處:《東北電力大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The national moral model evaluation and commending activity is the largest, the highest specification and the most extensive moral model selection activity since the founding of New China. It is one of the achievements of our party's typical demonstration education since entering the new century.The national moral model is the vanguard of the times and the model of society.As an educational means, the national moral model selection and commendation activity is conducive to carrying forward the true, the good and the beautiful, spreading the positive energy, encouraging the masses to worship the good, and gathering powerful spiritual strength for Chinese Dream, who has realized the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.This article mainly uses the case analysis, the questionnaire and so on research method carries on the research to the topic.It is divided into four parts.The first part is the introduction.This paper discusses the research background and significance of this topic, combs the current research situation at home and abroad, defines the scope of this study, expounds the main research methods adopted in this paper, and constructs the frame structure of the paper.The second part mainly defines the concepts of morality and moral model.At the same time, it summarizes the nature of morality, the types of moral models, the characteristics of moral models, and focuses on the theoretical basis of the national moral model evaluation and recognition activities, which provides a theoretical basis for the study of this paper.The third part mainly combs the process of the national moral model selection and recognition activities, on the basis of this, extracts the value of the national moral model evaluation and recognition activities, that is, the cultural value of inheriting the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.It shows the guiding value of the inner requirement of socialist core values, provides the demonstration value of fresh teaching materials for carrying out the ideal and belief education and the encouraging value of providing spiritual motive force for the realization of "Chinese Dream".The fourth part is to set forth the countermeasures and suggestions in view of the problems raised in this paper.This paper first puts forward the main problems that affect the realization of the value of the national moral model selection and recognition activities, and then, on this basis, extracts the ways to realize the value of the national moral model evaluation and recognition activities: perfecting the tree selection mechanism and paying attention to the long-term construction;Widen propaganda channels and build strong public opinion; strengthen resource integration and expand social identity.


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