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  本文選題:社會主義核心價值觀 切入點:傳統(tǒng)文化 出處:《東南大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to explore the origin of traditional culture of socialist core values, and to excavate the original genes of socialist core values from traditional culture.The first chapter points out that the core values of socialism are rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture. The second, third and fourth chapters are based on the ideal of value and the principle of value, respectively.This paper discusses the traditional cultural origin of the socialist core values and their evolution and sublimation in the contemporary era, and puts forward in the conclusion that the core values of socialism should be nurtured by the excellent Chinese traditional culture.The fundamental difference between the ideal of Datong and socialism lies in the fact that the establishment of the socialist system has really cleared the way for the elimination of the fate of people being exploited, oppressed, enslaved and humiliated.On this basis, the pursuit of fairness and justice, equality and harmony of the society, to achieve the Millennium long-cherished wish.The principle of value is from collectivism to collectivism. Collectivism is in line with the overall situation of Chinese traditional collectivism, and the value orientation of group-first is able to spread smoothly in China.Socialist collectivism is the sublimation and transcendence of traditional collectivism.The value idea is from the traditional virtue to the modern basic value idea.The traditional Chinese society is a society that attaches great importance to moral education, and the socialist core values are actually a kind of morality, which is a modern basic value concept that covers the different moral requirements of the country, the society and the individual.At the same time, these modern basic values are not fabricated, to some extent, they are grown out of traditional culture.Therefore, these modern values should be based on the traditional culture, trace back from the traditional culture, seek the root, explore the source, and finally foster the socialist core values.This paper focuses on tracing the roots of the traditional culture of the socialist core values from three different levels. The national level includes from "rich people and rich people" to common prosperity, "people for the state" and socialist democratic values.From "rites and music education" to socialist civilization values, "harmony is the most important" and socialist harmonious values, the social level includes from "freedom of mind" to socialist values of freedom, traditional equality and socialist equal values.From "unbiased" to socialist values of justice, traditional "rule of law" and socialist values of rule of law: the personal level includes the profound tradition of patriotism and the values of socialist patriotism.The traditional view of professional engagement and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation "industry", from sincere faith in others to socialist values of good faith, "benevolent lover" and socialist friendly values.The cultural gene of seeking roots and exploring the core values of socialism from the traditional culture is not to be indistinguishable from the traditional culture and absorbed completely, but to be guided by Marxism.Taking the fresh practice that is taking place in China as raw material, we should actively absorb, transform and develop the essence of traditional culture which can adapt to the development of reality and foster the core values of socialism.


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