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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-01 12:07

  本文選題:晏陽初 切入點:公民教育思想 出處:《河北大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Ideological and political education in China plays a unique and important role in promoting socialist modernization. Since the reform and opening up, ideological and political education has faced many challenges.General Secretary Chinese Dream put forward the dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but there is a certain gap between the realization of Chinese Dream and the level of national quality.Therefore, the importance of ideological and political education is particularly prominent.Since the New Culture Movement, the traditional culture of our country has suffered an unprecedented impact, and a variety of educational ideas have emerged, among which the idea of saving the nation through education has developed rapidly.The successful experience of Yen Yang Chu's thought of civic education in China laid a foundation for its later social reform in other backward countries in the world and had a profound influence on the improvement of the quality of citizens and the formation of modern democracy in these countries.Up to now, Yen Yang Chu's thought of civic education still has unique historical value and contemporary significance, especially the main content and practice way of his civic education, which has reference significance to the current ideological and political education in our country.This paper analyzes the experience and limitation of Yen Yang Chu's civic education on the basis of describing the background, main content and practical form of Yen Yang Chu's civic education, that is, emphasizing the development of human beings.Attach importance to social investigation and practical research, pay attention to the combination of tradition and innovation.At the same time, the related documents are analyzed, the deep meaning of Yen Yang Chu's civic education thought is studied concretely, and the enlightenment of Yen Yang Chu's civic education thought to ideological and political education is obtained based on the actual analysis of ideological and political education in our country at present.The conclusions are as follows: correctly analyzing the positive historical role and negative historical limitation of Yen Yang Chu's civic education, we should also dialectically treat Yen Yang Chu's thought of civic education, take its essence and discard its dross.In this way, we should enrich the contents of ideological and political education and make great efforts to make the ideological and political education run through the whole process of education.


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