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l(f)rg2018-08-26 13:25
[Abstract]:The lotus pot with 9 characters inscription is imitated on the inscription of Heyou in Shang and Zhou dynasties by using the first pot without inscriptions in the warring States period. He is the great family of Yin capital in Anyang. The master of the Hegui vessel is a man of Yin. " The year of the Great Yin was the year of Zhou's three just Rebellion. He Gui was a Regency of Zhou Gong for two years. " It is to order the three Hesi clan, to be the charge chamber "," the chamber "to" division ", means to appoint he as the head of the three clan army." The three tribes are Qi, Jilai and Fangbo. Hezun's "Cheng Zhou" means the Zhou capital of the Luoyi built by the king. According to the system of posthumous, Cheng Wang is a posthumous title, not a living name. " "Cheng Zhou" can be regarded as the standard of Wushu bronze ware and Kang Wang and later kings bronze wares. The main charge of the Hezun ware is the Zhou people who share the same ancestry with the king of Kang. The charge of the Hegui and the load of the Hezun can not be the same person. Hezun's entire article is King Kang's Letters Patent, another piece not recorded in the Letters Patent of Kang. Because he Zun is the king of Kang Kuo, can be called the Letters Letters Patent.
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