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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-26 19:00
【摘要】:多跨、大聯(lián)長(zhǎng)預(yù)應(yīng)力混凝土連續(xù)剛構(gòu)橋不僅適應(yīng)了高等級(jí)公路較高的路線指標(biāo)、各種復(fù)雜的地形地質(zhì)條件,而且保持了行車舒適、穩(wěn)定定好、跨越能力強(qiáng)、施工技術(shù)成熟、造價(jià)經(jīng)濟(jì)等優(yōu)點(diǎn)。因此跨徑在100~200m范圍,與其他橋型相比優(yōu)勢(shì)較為明顯。但隨著聯(lián)長(zhǎng)與跨數(shù)的增加,邊墩處于極為不利的受力狀態(tài),且不同的合龍方式對(duì)結(jié)構(gòu)受力及工期均有一定影響,因此多跨連續(xù)剛構(gòu)橋的合龍方案及改善邊墩受力狀態(tài)的工程措施研究顯得尤為重要。 本文以延安至延川高速公路上跨越黃河的連續(xù)剛構(gòu)橋?yàn)橐劳,分析研究多跨大?lián)長(zhǎng)連續(xù)剛構(gòu)橋的橋墩設(shè)計(jì)驗(yàn)算及主梁合龍方案,主要研究?jī)?nèi)容和成果有: 1.依據(jù)依托工程,建立該橋各階段模型,計(jì)算分析上下部結(jié)構(gòu)受力狀況,得出橋墩截面型式及尺寸選擇的方法。 2.分析研究了影響橋墩受力的各種因素,得出不同位置墩身設(shè)計(jì)的控制因素。 3.討論改善多跨連續(xù)剛構(gòu)橋邊墩受力的構(gòu)造及施工措施,研究確定合龍頂推力與頂推位移的關(guān)系,得出確定頂推力大小的方法。 4.針對(duì)黃河特大橋,,提出采用邊、中跨次邊跨的合龍順序要優(yōu)于邊跨次邊跨 中跨及中跨次邊跨邊跨,此順序更有利于次邊跨與中跨合龍之前的頂推,且邊、中跨同時(shí)合龍可縮短工期。
[Abstract]:Multi-span, large-span prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame bridge not only adapts to the higher route index of high-grade highway, various complicated terrain and geological conditions, but also maintains comfortable driving, stable determination, strong span ability and mature construction technology. Cost economy and other advantages. Therefore, the span is in the range of 100 ~ 200 m, compared with other bridge type, the advantage is obvious. However, with the increase of joint length and span number, the side pier is in an extremely unfavorable stress state, and the different closing modes have certain influence on the stress of the structure and the duration of the project. Therefore, it is very important to study the closed scheme of multi-span continuous rigid frame bridge and the engineering measures to improve the stress state of side pier. Based on the continuous rigid frame bridge across the Yellow River on the Yanan-Yanchuan Expressway, this paper analyzes and studies the design and calculation of the piers of the multi-span long-span continuous rigid frame bridge and the scheme of closing the main beam. The main research contents and results are as follows: 1. According to the supporting project, the model of each stage of the bridge is established, and the stress condition of the upper and lower parts of the bridge is calculated and analyzed, and the method of selecting the section type and the size of the pier is obtained. 2. The factors influencing the force of pier are analyzed and studied, and the control factors of pier design in different positions are obtained. 3. This paper discusses the construction and construction measures to improve the force on the side pier of multi-span continuous rigid frame bridge, studies the relationship between the top thrust of the closure and the displacement of the thrust, and obtains the method of determining the force of the top thrust. 4. In view of the Yellow River bridge, it is suggested that the closing sequence of edge, middle span and middle span is better than that of side span, middle span and middle span, and this order is more favorable to the pushing of secondary span and middle span before closing dragon, and the side is better than that of side span, middle span and middle span, and this order is more favorable to the pushing of secondary span and middle span. Closing the middle span at the same time can shorten the duration of the project.


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