
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 路橋論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2019-07-04 21:50
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy, the traffic volume of expressway in China is growing rapidly, and some of the original highways have become "bottleneck roads", so it is an inevitable trend to reconstruct and expand them. However, the cost management of expressway reconstruction and expansion project has been extended to the highway project budget quota promulgated by the Ministry of Transport, which can not meet the needs of reasonable determination of project cost and effective control of project cost. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the research on the compilation method of budget quota for expressway reconstruction and expansion project to provide scientific, effective and practical cost management basis for reconstruction and expansion project. Based on the present situation and development background of expressway reconstruction and expansion project, this paper discusses the technical, economic and construction management characteristics of expressway reconstruction and expansion project, analyzes the collection and processing of quota consumption data and the factors affecting quota consumption. In view of the concrete situation of expressway reconstruction and extension project, this paper puts forward the theoretical model of determining the budget quota consumption of reconstruction and extension project based on Monte Carlo simulation based on measured data and fuzzy hierarchical comparative analysis based on influencing factor analysis. By using Monte Carlo simulation, fuzzy hierarchical comparative analysis and prediction, based on the principal component analysis theory of questionnaire, and with the help of spss,matlab and other software tools, this paper deeply studies the compilation method of budget quota for expressway reconstruction and expansion project, and accumulates experience for the compilation of reconstruction and expansion project quota. The study on the compilation of budget quota of expressway reconstruction and expansion project not only fills in the blank of cost management of reconstruction and extension project in our country, but also has important practical significance and far-reaching guiding significance for standardizing the valuation of highway reconstruction and expansion project, reasonably determining the project cost, ensuring the effective control of the project cost, and further improving the economic and social benefits of the highway reconstruction and expansion project.


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