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發(fā)布時間:2019-07-04 06:17
【摘要】:基于隧道掘進(jìn)機(tunnel boring machine,TBM)現(xiàn)場實際掘進(jìn)參數(shù)與巖石強度的相關(guān)性,提出一種現(xiàn)場巖石強度快速估算模型。該模型詳細(xì)分析了開敞式TBM現(xiàn)場實際掘進(jìn)參數(shù)的趨勢,建立了其與巖石單軸抗壓強度(uniaxial compressive strength,UCS)的擬合關(guān)系式;根據(jù)回歸系數(shù)R2排序:0.761 2(貫入度指數(shù))0.759 5(推力)0.691 5(掘進(jìn)比能)0.598 6(扭矩)0.561 5(貫入度),確定采用貫入度指數(shù)(field penetration index,FPI)快速估算巖石強度UCS。與以往巖石強度經(jīng)驗?zāi)P蛯Ρ?該估算模型更具針對性和適用性。研究成果為TBM工程巖石強度的快速估算提供了一種新的切實可行的思路。
[Abstract]:Based on the correlation between the actual excavation parameters and rock strength of tunnel roadheader (tunnel boring machine,TBM), a rapid estimation model of rock strength in situ is proposed. The model analyzes in detail the trend of the actual driving parameters of the open TBM field, and establishes the fitting relationship between the model and the uniaxial compressive strength (uniaxial compressive strength,UCS of the rock. According to the order of regression coefficient R2: 0.761 2 (penetration index) 0.759 5 (thrust) 0.691 5 (heading specific energy) 0.598 6 (torque) 0.561 5 (penetration), it is determined that rock strength UCS. is estimated quickly by penetration index (field penetration index,FPI). Compared with the previous empirical model of rock strength, the estimation model is more targeted and applicable. The research results provide a new and feasible idea for the rapid estimation of rock strength in TBM project.
【作者單位】: 中國葛洲壩集團第三工程公司;中國科學(xué)院武漢巖土力學(xué)研究所巖土力學(xué)與工程國家重點實驗室;




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