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發(fā)布時間:2019-06-29 18:28
[Abstract]:At present, the process of urban modernization in our country is advancing, but the problem of traffic congestion is becoming more and more obvious, and the traffic jam has become one of the serious problems in the large and medium-sized cities. The harmfulness of urban traffic congestion mainly includes two aspects: one is the time delay and energy waste caused by the traffic jam, and brings great economic loss to the society. According to the data from the experts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the economic loss caused by the traffic congestion of the city is about 1 billion yuan a day. Secondly, when the vehicle speed is too low, the pollution degree of the automobile exhaust is greatly increased, and meanwhile, a large amount of noise is generated, so that the air quality and the urban environmental quality are greatly reduced, and further serious harm to the physical and mental health of the citizen is caused, and the living standard of the citizen is reduced. Therefore, the effective prediction of complex traffic conditions is an important problem to be solved at present. In recent years, more and more scholars have begun to study the intelligent transportation system, and put forward a variety of traffic jam prediction methods. The common traffic congestion prediction method is mainly based on various mathematical models, and most of the traffic jam prediction methods are only predicted at a single time of a single road. Due to the complex and changeable nature of the traffic system, the parameters often taken into account are not comprehensive, and the timing of the traffic jam events is not taken into account, and the actual situation cannot be well adapted. In the traffic system, the traffic jam of each road section often follows a certain causal relationship, while taking into account the timing of the traffic jam event, this paper proposes a traffic jam prediction method based on time-series association rule mining, which first uses the genetic algorithm to mine the time-series association rules, The correlation rules are used as data samples to construct a classifier so as to achieve the purpose of predicting the traffic jam. The method adopts the idea of an evolutionary algorithm, effectively avoids the defect that the traditional method needs to determine the excessive parameters, the algorithm is more close to the actual living condition, the traffic jam can be effectively predicted, the traffic pressure can be relieved in time, the traffic congestion rate is reduced, the road smoothness is improved, And provides a reference basis for ensuring the high-efficiency and fast travel.


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