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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-29 15:39
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous increase of port cargo throughput and the trend of large-scale ship development, the number and tonnage of incoming ships are also growing rapidly. With the continuous increase of ship traffic flow in port waters, the saturation index of port channel increases gradually, which leads to the saturation of port anchor also increases. As a safe water area for ships in and out of port, the use of anchors plays an important role in the anchoring safety of anchoring ships, the safety of navigation ships near anchors, the efficiency of port operation, and the safety supervision of maritime affairs. However, there is a serious phenomenon of anchor breaking out of some anchorages in coastal ports of our country, which not only reduces the utilization rate of anchors and results in the waste of anchor resources, but also seriously affects the navigation safety of ships entering and leaving anchorages and other normal navigation ships near anchorages. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the current situation of the use of anchorages in China, to analyze the use of anchorages and the problems existing in the process of use, and to give the corresponding suggestions. First of all, this paper analyzes and studies the related concepts of Anchorage, anchor setting parameters, anchor capacity and the waters occupied by anchoring ship, and explains in detail the theoretical knowledge of relevant data statistics. On this basis, using the static and dynamic information provided by AIS, the anchoring conditions of more than 70 anchors in Dalian Port, Jinzhou Port, Jingtang Port, Caofeidian Port, Tianjin Port, Huanghua Port, Qingdao Port, Shanghai Port, Ningbo Zhoushan Port, Xiamen Port and Shenzhen Port are observed and counted for a long time. Secondly, according to the observation and statistical results, on the premise of obtaining a large number of data, combined with the purpose of this paper, 10 anchors with frequent anchor phenomenon outside the anchor site are selected for research. The Anchorage capacity, anchor spacing and utilization ratio of anchors are statistically analyzed. The linear relationship between anchor spacing and captain is analyzed by using SPSS software, and the corresponding regression equations are obtained and compared with the code. Finally, combined with the actual use of the anchor, this paper analyzes the causes of anchor outside the anchor and gives reasonable suggestions for improvement, so as to provide the corresponding reference for improving the utilization rate of the anchor, ensuring the navigation safety of the anchor ship and other ships near the anchor, the planning of the anchor, the supervision of the maritime department, and so on.


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