
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 路橋論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2019-06-25 08:12
[Abstract]:The wide promotion of electric vehicles has led to a rapid increase in the demand for charging services. With the introduction of the new national standard for electric vehicles, many types of charging interfaces finally tend to be unified. How to realize the compatibility of charging services of different brands of electric vehicles in the standard interface and the universality of charging service system is the focus of current research. At the same time, charging self-service business is not systematic. Therefore, this paper designs the general service system of electric vehicle self-charging in detail, which is oriented to the universality and self-service of electric vehicle charging service. In this paper, the research status of electric vehicle charging service system at home and abroad is analyzed, and the related requirements of electric vehicle service are put forward based on the charging interface in the current market. This paper presents the overall design scheme of the self-charging general service system, which is composed of three subsystems: charging service cloud server, intelligent charging pile and self-service mobile phone client APP, which includes perception layer, transport layer and application layer, and designs each subsystem in detail. The system has the functions of monitoring and management, transaction management, information collection and management, operating condition analysis and system management. The business of the system is executed step by step among the layers, and the overall control is improved, which improves the overall performance and stability of the system. At the same time, the communication network and security of the system are designed to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the system. Secondly, aiming at the general compatibility of complex and diverse charging services on CAN bus in the future, the communication protocol between the interface is studied from two aspects: the external interface between the server, the charging pile and the charging facility service system, and the user interface between the self-service mobile phone client APP and the server. The message format and data structure of the external interface in the charging service in accordance with CAN protocol are designed, and the user interface of JSON data protocol is adopted to provide a general communication channel for the service data carried between the systems. Through the standardized design of the system interface, the system realizes the compatibility of the current CAN bus interface and the universality of the service. This paper also designs the self-charging service mobile phone client APP in detail. Self-charging service APP is the only front-end for users to participate in charging services. In order to realize the self-service of charging service, the structure, function and map function module of APP, service status module, charging payment module, charging control module, query module and other functional modules are designed in detail and the interface is displayed in this paper. Finally, based on the fuzzy programming method, the APP one-button navigation function of mobile phone is designed, and the optimal charging pile selection scheme is analyzed based on the distance of charging station, charging waiting time, electric vehicle power consumption and charging station load. Through the diversified and intelligent mobile phone APP design, users can realize the functions of remote reservation, self-control and fast payment, and realize the self-service requirements of the system. Through the detailed design of each part of the charging system, the self-service and universality of the charging service are realized in this paper. The application of the system will be of positive significance to the extensive promotion of the charging service of the electric vehicle.


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