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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-25 07:58
【摘要】:隨著中國(guó)城市交通建設(shè)的飛速發(fā)展,彎橋已經(jīng)成為現(xiàn)代交通基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的重要橋型。彎橋由于受力性能復(fù)雜,力學(xué)性能除受橋梁跨度、截面形式和配筋率的影響外,還要受到曲率半徑、圓心角、梁寬及彎扭剛度比的影響,十分復(fù)雜。在現(xiàn)行規(guī)范中,對(duì)彎橋的承載力檢測(cè)方案沒(méi)有明確給出,其承載力檢測(cè)理論和技術(shù)方面還存在諸多問(wèn)題尚未解決,這對(duì)于正確評(píng)估這類(lèi)橋梁的工作性能及承載能力具有重大影響。本文首先介紹了彎橋的力學(xué)特性、構(gòu)造特點(diǎn)及理論分析方法。以30m+40m+30m的三跨連續(xù)彎箱梁橋?yàn)槔?采用有限元軟件Midas civil對(duì)彎橋進(jìn)行梁格法分析,結(jié)合有限元實(shí)體單元軟件Midas FEA建立實(shí)體單元模型,進(jìn)行了大量的計(jì)算和分析比較;第二,通過(guò)數(shù)值解得到的相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù),分析比較了相關(guān)試驗(yàn)工況的荷載效應(yīng)、剪力滯的分布,得出彎橋中由于扭矩的存在加強(qiáng)了箱梁的剪力滯效應(yīng),并通過(guò)試驗(yàn)實(shí)測(cè)值驗(yàn)證了結(jié)論的正確性;第三,通過(guò)對(duì)控制截面應(yīng)力大小,位置和梁底沿半徑切線(xiàn)方向的彎拉應(yīng)力的分析比較,確定了在彎橋中梁底應(yīng)力可代替主應(yīng)力起到控制作用,從而確定了應(yīng)變片的粘貼位置及方向;第四,計(jì)算分析了彎橋截面中扭矩所產(chǎn)生的剪應(yīng)力對(duì)于彎橋承載力檢測(cè)的影響,以及應(yīng)變片因粘貼偏角的誤差公式推導(dǎo)。根據(jù)以上分析研究結(jié)果,提出了改善彎橋試驗(yàn)檢測(cè)效果的相關(guān)方法,這對(duì)于提高彎橋檢測(cè)效果、評(píng)價(jià)彎橋的工作性能及承載能力的準(zhǔn)確性都具有重大的意義。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of urban traffic construction in China, curved bridge has become an important bridge type of modern traffic infrastructure. Because of the complexity of mechanical properties of curved bridge, the mechanical properties are not only affected by bridge span, section form and reinforcement ratio, but also affected by curvature radius, circular center angle, beam width and bending-torsional stiffness ratio. In the current code, the bearing capacity detection scheme of curved bridge is not given clearly, and there are still many problems to be solved in the theory and technology of bearing capacity testing, which has a great influence on the correct evaluation of the working performance and bearing capacity of this kind of bridge. In this paper, the mechanical properties, structural characteristics and theoretical analysis methods of curved bridges are introduced. Taking 30m 40m 30m three-span continuous curved box girder bridge as an example, the finite element software Midas civil is used to analyze the curved bridge by beam lattice method. Combined with the finite element entity element software Midas FEA, the solid element model is established, and a large number of calculation, analysis and comparison are carried out. Secondly, through the relevant data obtained by numerical solution, the load effect and shear lag distribution of related test conditions are analyzed and compared, and it is concluded that the shear lag effect of box girder is strengthened due to the existence of torque in curved bridge, and the correctness of the conclusion is verified by the measured values. Thirdly, by analyzing and comparing the stress of the control section, the position and the bending tensile stress of the beam bottom along the tangent direction of the radius, it is determined that the stress at the bottom of the beam can replace the principal stress in the curved bridge, thus determining the bonding position and direction of the strain gauge. Fourth, the influence of the shear stress caused by the torque in the section of the curved bridge on the bearing capacity of the curved bridge is calculated and analyzed, and the error formula of the strain gauge due to the sticking deflection angle is deduced. According to the above analysis and research results, the related methods to improve the test and detection effect of curved bridge are put forward, which is of great significance to improve the detection effect of curved bridge and evaluate the working performance and bearing capacity of curved bridge.


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1 蔣志剛;羅旗幟;;雙箱單室箱梁橋頂板橫向彎矩分析[J];中國(guó)公路學(xué)報(bào);1992年01期

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1 紀(jì)軒彪;彎梁橋力學(xué)性能及施工監(jiān)控研究[D];蘭州交通大學(xué);2011年





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