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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-23 19:48
【摘要】:城市地下隧道工程施工對周邊環(huán)境的影響一直以來是城市隧道工程施工需要解決的一個關(guān)鍵科學(xué)問題。采用淺埋暗挖法進(jìn)行城市大斷面隧道施工時,隧道施工必然會對周邊環(huán)境(如建構(gòu)筑物、地下管線、橋基等)產(chǎn)生一定程度的擾動,進(jìn)而對其正常使用及結(jié)構(gòu)安全及造成一定的影響。近幾年來,隨著我國城市地下工程建設(shè)高潮的興起,這種工程將會越來越多,所帶來的問題也將更加突出。因此,研究城市大斷面淺埋暗挖隧道施工對鄰近建筑群的影響及其控制具有重要的現(xiàn)實意義,其核心科學(xué)技術(shù)將會為類似工程的實施提供指導(dǎo)性作用。 本論文在對國內(nèi)外相關(guān)文獻(xiàn)資料進(jìn)行廣泛調(diào)研的基礎(chǔ)上,以廈門機(jī)場路一期工程蓮前西路JC3標(biāo)段大斷面城市公路隧道穿越地表復(fù)雜建筑物群工程對象為研究背景,采用理論分析、數(shù)值模擬及現(xiàn)場實測、現(xiàn)場原位試驗多種手段相結(jié)合的方法,對城市大斷面淺埋暗挖隧道穿越既有建筑群工程所涉及的基礎(chǔ)理論及關(guān)鍵技術(shù)等核心問題進(jìn)行了深入研究,取得了以下主要成果: (1)針對大斷面隧道下穿重要既有建筑物施工特點,根據(jù)隧道—地層—建筑物的相互作用關(guān)系,明確了隧道圍巖地層變形是隧道穿越施工過程中建筑物安全性控制的關(guān)鍵點,因此在隧道施工過程中采取注漿加固地層(洞內(nèi)和地表)是城市大斷面隧道穿越建筑群的關(guān)鍵施工工序。 (2)根據(jù)本論文被研究對象的工程特點及周邊環(huán)境特點,從建筑物的基礎(chǔ)形式、建筑物與隧道的位置關(guān)系、建筑物的結(jié)構(gòu)類型等方面,對建筑物群進(jìn)行安全等級分類,提出了一種建筑物的安全等級分類方法,并為建筑物的控制標(biāo)準(zhǔn)建立提供依據(jù)。 (3)建筑物及圍巖地層的控制標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是隧道施工變形過程控制的基礎(chǔ),本文以建筑物變位控制標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的研究為重點,提出了控制指標(biāo)系統(tǒng)化的思想和方法,在此基礎(chǔ)上,通過數(shù)值模型計算,得出了地層變形及建筑物變形的控制標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。在已有建筑物控制標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)現(xiàn)場實測結(jié)果,進(jìn)一步引進(jìn)建筑物裂縫的變化來確定地表沉降控制標(biāo)準(zhǔn),為城市地下工程施工的地層變形控制標(biāo)準(zhǔn)體系的建立提供了一條新思路。 (4)根據(jù)本論文研究對象的建筑物的結(jié)構(gòu)特點,認(rèn)為隧道施工影響范圍內(nèi)的建筑物大多數(shù)為砌體結(jié)構(gòu),整體剛度小、柔性大,基本上能夠與地表實現(xiàn)協(xié)同變形,在此基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)建筑物與隧道之間的空間位置關(guān)系特點,在假定建筑物與地層協(xié)調(diào)變形的基礎(chǔ)上,從理論上提出了砌體建筑結(jié)構(gòu)與隧道相互作用的理論力學(xué)計算模型。 (5)以現(xiàn)場實際樓房為試驗對象,對隧道下穿重要建筑物的相關(guān)計算參數(shù)的設(shè)計進(jìn)行原位的注漿抬升試驗和過程控制試驗,建立以隧道圍巖地層及建筑物結(jié)構(gòu)變位的過程控制和以注漿抬升為主要途徑的過程恢復(fù),通過工程實踐應(yīng)用對上述理論進(jìn)行印證,為類似工程提供參考。
[Abstract]:The influence of urban underground tunnel construction on the surrounding environment has always been a key scientific problem to be solved in urban tunnel construction. When the shallow excavation method is used in the construction of large section tunnel in the city, the tunnel construction will inevitably cause some disturbance to the surrounding environment (such as construction structure, underground pipeline, bridge foundation, etc.). Furthermore, it has a certain influence on its normal use and structural safety. In recent years, with the rise of the construction climax of urban underground engineering in our country, more and more such projects will be brought, and the problems will become more prominent. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the influence and control of shallow excavation tunnel construction on adjacent buildings, and its core science and technology will provide guidance for the implementation of similar projects. On the basis of extensive investigation of relevant documents at home and abroad, this paper takes the large cross-section urban highway tunnel of Lianqian West Road JC3 section of Xiamen Airport Road as the research background. By means of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, field measurement and field in-situ test, In this paper, the basic theory and key technologies involved in the tunnel crossing through the existing buildings with large cross-section and shallow buried tunnels are deeply studied. The main achievements are as follows: (1) in view of the construction characteristics of the important existing buildings under the large section tunnel, according to the relationship between tunnel, stratum and building, It is clear that the deformation of surrounding rock stratum is the key point of building safety control in the process of tunnel crossing construction. Therefore, it is a key construction procedure for large section tunnels to use grouting to reinforce the strata (inside and on the ground) during the tunnel construction. (2) according to the engineering characteristics and the surrounding environment characteristics of the object studied in this paper, the safety grade classification of the building group is carried out from the aspects of the basic form of the building, the position relationship between the building and the tunnel, the structure type of the building, and so on. This paper presents a classification method of building safety grade, and provides the basis for building control standard. (3) the control standard of building and surrounding rock stratum is the foundation of deformation control in tunnel construction. This paper puts forward the idea and method of systematization of control index based on the research of building displacement control standard. Through numerical model calculation, the control standard of formation deformation and building deformation is obtained. On the basis of the existing building control standards, and based on the field measured results, the changes of building cracks are further introduced to determine the control standards of ground subsidence. It provides a new idea for the establishment of the control standard system of formation deformation in urban underground engineering construction. (4) according to the structural characteristics of the buildings studied in this paper, it is considered that most of the buildings in the influence area of tunnel construction are masonry structures, the overall stiffness is small, the flexibility is large, and the deformation can be realized in coordination with the surface basically. According to the characteristics of the spatial position relationship between the building and the tunnel, the theoretical mechanical calculation model of the interaction between the masonry structure and the tunnel is put forward theoretically on the basis of the assumption of the harmonious deformation between the building and the stratum. (5) the in-situ grouting uplift test and process control test are carried out for the design of the relevant calculation parameters of the important building under the tunnel, taking the actual building on site as the test object. In this paper, the process control of the displacement of tunnel surrounding rock strata and building structure and the process recovery of grouting uplift are established. The above theory is verified by engineering practice, which provides a reference for similar projects.


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