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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-23 19:42
[Abstract]:The study of equilibrium failure rate is one of the hotspots in traffic science and computer science. In traffic networks, the equilibrium failure rate refers to the ratio between the maximum total travel time cost and the optimal total trip time cost of the network when the network is in equilibrium state. When it is assumed that network users have accurate travel time information and aim at minimizing their travel time, the corresponding equilibrium is a deterministic user equilibrium. When it is assumed that the network user has a perception bias to travel time and the goal is to minimize the perceived travel time, the corresponding equilibrium is a random user equilibrium. The purpose of this study is to compare the failure rates of the above two types of equilibrium, so as to investigate whether the travel choices of network users with more information may reduce the network efficiency. In this paper, we first define the relative failure rate ratio of equilibrium as the ratio of the failure rate of random user equilibrium to that of deterministic user equilibrium, and give the upper and lower bounds of relative failure rate ratio in general networks. Secondly, in two parallel arc networks, assuming that the travel time cost of one of the arcs is constant, this paper studies the properties of stochastic user equilibrium in this kind of networks, and obtains a sufficient and necessary condition for the failure rate of stochastic user equilibrium to be 1. In this paper, it is proved that the relative failure rate ratio is less than 1 when the total flow of the network is near the intersection point. When the total flow of the network is twice that of the intersection, the relative failure rate is equal to 1. 5%. At the same time, the minimum value of the ratio of relative failure rate and the parameters of the network are obtained, and it is shown that the lower bound of the ratio of relative failure rate is compact. Then, the conclusion of two parallel arc networks is extended to multiple parallel arc networks with two kinds of trip cost functions, and the sufficient conditions for the relative failure rate ratio to be equal to or less than 1 are given. It is proved that the lower bound of the relative failure rate ratio is still tight in this kind of networks. Finally, in this paper, we study the properties of random user equilibrium for a single starting point multi-point ring network, and obtain a sufficient condition for the ratio of relative failure rate to be less than 1. The relative failure rate ratio is analyzed for three specific network structures. The main innovations and contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) the failure rates of random user equilibrium and deterministic user equilibrium are compared for the first time. In two kinds of parallel arc networks and single-starting point multi-point ring networks, the condition that complete trip information can reduce the network efficiency is given. (2) in two parallel arc networks with a constant arc, the minimum value of the relative failure rate ratio is obtained, and (3) the compactness of the lower bound of the relative failure rate ratio is verified.


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