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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-23 19:54
[Abstract]:According to the characteristics of sand and gravel strata, the similar materials of surrounding rock are prepared, and the mechanical characteristics of asymmetric multi-arch tunnel under different load conditions are deeply studied by using the self-developed large-scale plane model test-bed. The distribution and variation characteristics of the outer surface pressure and the internal force of the lining are analyzed emphatically, and the development law of the tunnel crack and the structural failure process are summarized. The test results show that the external surface pressure of the large tunnel lining of asymmetric multi-arch tunnel is significantly higher than that of the small tunnel, but the distribution of both is similar, the maximum value is located at the arch top, the second is the inner arch shoulder, and the minimum is at the outer arch waist. The asymmetric force of the left and right caverns leads to the obvious bias of the middle wall of the tunnel, and the grouting ring can effectively reduce the external surface pressure of the lining, improve the stress condition of the structure and enhance the stability of the structure. The internal forces of the structure show complex changes during the loading process, and keep linear growth before the cracks occur, and the internal forces of the structure are redistributed after the first crack appears, but it still has a certain bearing capacity on the whole. When the cracks are fully developed, especially when cracks appear in the arch, the bearing capacity of the structure decreases significantly. The longitudinal cracks appear in the inner arch at first. With the increase of the load the number and width of the cracks increase gradually and are mainly distributed near the side of the middle wall.
【作者單位】: 北京交通大學城市地下工程教育部重點實驗室;北京交通大學土木建筑工程學院;
【基金】:國家自然科學基金面上項目(51378002) 國家科技支撐計劃項目課題(2012BAJ01B03)


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