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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-23 11:19
[Abstract]:The cold area of China is vast, including 13 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in the "three north" regions, accounting for more than 50% of the whole country's area. The construction time of the Heilongjiang region is only 4-6 months in a year at room temperature. For prestressed concrete simply supported beam bridge, the main problems in construction under low temperature are early freezing damage of concrete and tension of prestressed steel strand in winter. Due to the damage of early freezing injury to concrete, the damage to concrete is very important. This damage can not be restored even after the later standard maintenance, which will cause permanent damage to the later use performance of concrete. In construction at low temperature, people usually use the strength and deformation theory of prestressed steel strands at room temperature to carry out construction. However, due to the influence of low temperature, the elastic modulus and elongation will change, if the elongation is controlled according to the criterion, Can not accurately control the tension control stress. So it is necessary to analyze the critical strength and influencing factors of low temperature concrete and the mechanical properties of steel strand under low temperature condition. In this paper, the variation law of mechanical properties of cement mortar and concrete of different strength grades under low temperature is studied, and according to the definition of generalized freezing resistance critical strength, the freezing critical strength of concrete of different strength grade under different temperature condition is found. Then through the analysis of the factors affecting the critical strength of concrete frost resistance, the main factors affecting the critical strength of concrete frost resistance are determined, and the main effect of each factor is found by orthogonal test with the help of SPSS statistical analysis software. Used to improve and guide construction under low temperature conditions. In this paper, the mechanical properties of prestressed steel strands at low temperature are tested, and the ultimate strength, elastic modulus and elongation of prestressed steel strands are fitted by Origin9.0. Then taking the 40m prestressed T-beam strands of Mulan Bridge as an example, a modified formula is given for the tensioning of steel strands at low temperature.


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