
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 科技論文 > 路橋論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-23 11:20
[Abstract]:With the development of cities and the rapid growth of intercity traffic demand, intercity highways are congested and congested in the rush hour, and traffic events occur frequently. In view of the problem that expressway traffic events are easy to cause large-scale congestion, the effective event detection technology can deal with the events in time and reduce the occurrence of adverse reactions such as secondary events. The real-time prediction and analysis of the impact range of events can be used as the basis for the formulation of event solutions. This paper focuses on the design and research of highway event detection and impact prediction methods. On the basis of extensive investigation of the current situation of highway event detection and impact prediction algorithms at home and abroad, this paper proposes a fast event detection algorithm based on video, and dynamically estimates the impact range of events through distributed video detection information. The fast feedback of event information is realized. Firstly, the background is obtained by stationary sequence method, the foreground is obtained by background difference method, and the improved Kalman filter feature matching tracking algorithm is used to track the vehicle on the basis of using convex hull occupation rate to detect occlusion. Then, by detecting the speed and flow of traffic flow, the mapping relationship between speed, flow and traffic flow state is established, and the fuzzy inference method is used to distinguish the occurrence of traffic events. Finally, based on the traffic event vehicle flow wave model, the real-time queue length and the vehicle flow wave velocity are obtained by distributed video information, and the vehicle queue dynamic estimation model at many times in the future is established. Forecast and analyze the influence range of traffic events. To sum up, this paper first based on event detection algorithm, queue detection algorithm and vehicle flow wave theory, and then combined with computer vision and image processing related knowledge, through the camera captured by the road traffic flow information, The traffic events are detected, and the vehicle flow velocity is calculated based on the distributed video information, and the influence range of the events is predicted. Finally, the design and implementation of the event detection and impact prediction system are completed. The experimental results show that the proposed event detection method can obtain the foreground information accurately and detect the traffic events on the freeway quickly and effectively. The influence prediction method is more accurate and effective than other methods, and can be used as the basis for highway traffic management personnel scheduling and decision-making.


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