informatization new industrialization coupling coordination
Spatial Pattern and Change Mechanism Analysis on the Coupling and Coordinating Degree of Regional Informatization and New Industrialization in China
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WANG Yu - wei, QIN Hui (College of Economy and Management,ZheJiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310023,Zhejiang,China)
Abstr:New industrialization constructs its coupling relationship with informatization through their individual factor' s interactive effect,by making use of the latter improve its comprehensive capability and offering market for the lat- ter. Based on coupling coordination degree model. The paper firstly build the comprehensive assessment indicators for in- formatization and new industrialization,then conduct an analysis on 31 Units at the provincial level following the calculat- ing of the coupling coordination degree between the two. It can be found that at the whole level, China is still on low-mid- dle couPling stage. Compared with northwest and southwest units, The coupling coordination degrees of east units, Bei- jing,Tianjin are relatively high. Based on the coupling coordination degree ,we divide all the units into four parts :harmony district, gearing area, rivaling area, low area. Then we discuss the mechanism of their coupling relationship by gray con- nection model arid variable intercept model. The result shows : standing on internal mechanism angle, new industrialization' s technological content and human resource factor are highly affected by informationization degree while operating effi- ciency isn' t. On external mechanism,the living standards and foreign trade are the key elements to improve coordination degree, in contrast, industrial size expansion produces a negative effect on it while fixed investment doesn' t make signifi- cant influence.
Keyword::informatization new industrialization coupling coordination spatial analysis Gray Connection Degree pooldata