

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-02 21:21

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:新文化收購(gòu)郁金香估值問(wèn)題研究 出處:《上海交通大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類(lèi)型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 高成長(zhǎng)公司 并購(gòu) 估值 收益法 自由現(xiàn)金流折現(xiàn)法

[Abstract]:In recent years, the country has issued a number of policies to support the development and prosperity of the cultural industry, involving the cultural media industry M & A gradually increased. The importance of M & A valuation methods of this kind of high growth companies is also increasingly highlighted. Firstly, this paper analyzes the cost method which is commonly used in asset evaluation at present. The application of market approach and traditional income approach in M & A valuation and their respective advantages and disadvantages; Secondly, taking Tulip Media as an example of the new culture M & A of listed companies, this paper focuses on the analysis of the three evaluation methods used at present. In particular, it evaluates the shortcomings of the traditional income method used in the acquisition of tulips by New Culture. Then from the tulip to the new culture of the actual value of mergers and acquisitions, using the price-to-earnings ratio method, price-to-book ratio method and free cash flow discount method to analyze the valuation of tulip. Comparing the discounted free cash flow method with the traditional income method, the paper emphasizes the advantages of the free cash flow discounting method in evaluating the value of the high growth company such as tulip. Finally, it is concluded that the free cash flow discounted method should be introduced as the 4th methods for asset appraisers in M & A valuation of high growth companies. This method can not only reflect the actual operation of this kind of enterprises more objectively and realistically, but also effectively make up for the shortcomings of the three evaluation methods used at present. And also makes the Chinese company valuation method and international popular methods more in line with.


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