

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-02 09:14

  本文關鍵詞:中國股票市場非均衡發(fā)展的制度成因及其治理思路 出處:《福州大學》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 股票市場 非均衡 國家趕超發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略 掠奪之手 政府權(quán)力 尋租之手 互惠共享

[Abstract]:Over the years, China's stock market scale expands gradually, but the quality has not been improved, mainly in the stock market and the real economy has shown a departure from a longer period of time, the stock market dysfunction, systemic risk rise, lack of investor protection problem has aroused people's concern. This phenomenon makes us have to think: Chinese the stock market in the course of its development, what exactly is the problem? In a large number of literatures, we found that China's stock market following the four non equilibrium problems in its development process: (a) the non balanced government intervention, namely our country government regulation of the stock market "to promote financing, ignore investment, focus on development, evading responsibility, sharing of benefits and non balanced prevarication consequences". (two) the non balanced stock market functions, such as financing, adjust more than lack of risk diversification and investment, etc. The function of imbalances. (three) the non balanced income and cost of system innovation, system innovation is the resistance is too large, the expected return is less than the cost, resulting in new institutional innovation is blocked. (four) the non balanced distribution of benefits that the stock market participants, ordinary investors and the government, a large gap exists between the distribution of interests between listed companies and intermediaries the article from the country. To catch up with the development and will catch up with the development of a strategic point of view, to explore the emergence and evolution of government behavior during the development of China stock market. And the new institutional economics theory of the state of the "grabbing hand" model, interest group theory, the "rent-seeking hand" model and predatory system analysis, find the reasons Chinese stock market non balanced development. In this paper, the state will catch up with the development of is a way to catch up with the advanced, the development tendency of preference or catch up from behind, it was decided to catch up development strategy The content, essence of China's stock market Chinese home to catch up with the development strategy is the effective mobilization of financial resources, rapid access to capital support. Therefore, the stock market Chinese formed the target positioning to financing, in pursuit of the goal of maximizing the interests of the government power, when excessive use (i.e. the government control on the market resources, the frequency of intervention large, control), many matters and the lack of effective constraints, the "grabbing hand" is generated, the tendency of hand to protect the interests of financing in the stock market, investors looted wealth. Regulation and government intervention to market to create conditions and opportunities to capture the interests of government officials, such as listed companies (especially the state-owned enterprises and their holding company) of the "rent-seeking hand" in order to obtain benefits to the active government and government officials. The government and interest groups to exchange interest groups through rent-seeking utility function. Get into the regulation, internal information, such as market prices, government officials to collect the rent, and try to control more resources, the system structure of the predatory color more intense has produced at this time. Finally, according to the institutional reasons of unbalanced development, put forward to change the idea, establish the restriction mechanism, incentive mechanism and benefit sharing mechanism etc. the idea of governance, hoping to provide some help for the healthy development of the stock market, but also look forward to the national economic and social China theory and practice better combination provides important material.



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