
(dng)ǰλã > (jng)(j)Փ > ͶYՓ >


l(f)r(sh)g2018-01-01 06:20

  P(gun)I~űQС΢I(y)Yy·x̎I(y)(jng)(j)201706 ՓͣڿՓ

  P(gun)£ ű a(chn)I(y)朽 С΢I(y) Yy

[Abstract]:At present, there is an urgent need to solve the financing problem of small and medium-sized enterprises in the process of industrial transformation and upgrading. It is a new idea to solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises by means of credit guarantee fund (hereinafter referred to as credit guarantee fund). Our country has formed the preliminary credit guarantee system, has obtained the certain result, but still has the question. Therefore, it is necessary to unify the support funds of different government departments. And in China's leading enterprises relatively concentrated in areas such as the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, the Bohai Bay, Central China and other regions to expand the financial chain of the trust and insurance fund pilot, to establish small and medium-sized enterprises to protect each other UNPROFOR. In order to alleviate the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, promote the transformation and upgrading of private economy, promote the sustainable development of China's economy.
߆λ 㽭I(y)W(xu)ڄ(chung)cɳm(x)l(f)չо;
Ŀա һűP(gun)(һ)űĶxű(credit guarantee fund)ĽǞ龏СI(y)YJдڵҎ(gu)ģСǷȱѺƷ,Z̘I(y)yеȽڙC(j)(gu)ڽI(y)ڟo߀r(sh),r䲿ֻȫJ~ű(sh)|(zh)ǞѺƷṩһN(yu)




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