

發(fā)布時間:2018-08-04 07:56
【摘要】:休閑漁業(yè)是方興未艾的產業(yè),越來越受消費者的青睞。其核心在于促進漁業(yè)生產與經(jīng)濟社會的發(fā)展及自然環(huán)境的和諧,是集經(jīng)濟、文化和生態(tài)于一體的綠色產業(yè)。休閑漁業(yè)充分整合了資金、技術、經(jīng)營管理等資源優(yōu)勢,憑借技術應用的多元化、生產的現(xiàn)代化、服務的人性化,成為現(xiàn)代漁業(yè)發(fā)展的重要方向。 本文采用文獻分析法通過多種渠道搜集、整理和鑒別國內外有關休閑漁業(yè)發(fā)展的文獻資料,形成對休閑漁業(yè)的科學認識,對連城縣具有體表性的休閑漁業(yè)基地實地調查走訪,結合定性分析法對連城縣休閑漁業(yè)概況進行歸納分析,綜合分析目前連城縣休閑漁業(yè)的特點和優(yōu)勢,提出發(fā)展連城縣休閑漁業(yè)應與得天獨厚的旅游資源緊密相連,突出地方性、多元性和趣味性,進而構建起一個與旅游大縣相匹配的現(xiàn)代休閑漁業(yè)體系,實現(xiàn)由休閑漁業(yè)帶動旅游,由旅游推進休閑漁業(yè)的新局面,,促進連城縣由傳統(tǒng)漁業(yè)模式向現(xiàn)代漁業(yè)發(fā)展。主要建議如下: 1.盡快出臺《連城縣休閑漁業(yè)管理條例》等地方性法規(guī)以及《連城縣人民政府關于加快推進休閑漁業(yè)發(fā)展的意見》等政策措施,以進一步提升休閑漁業(yè)產業(yè)層次和規(guī)模。 2.編制發(fā)展規(guī)劃,結合實際科學布局休閑漁業(yè)區(qū)域,將連城縣休閑漁業(yè)劃分為養(yǎng)殖垂釣型、休閑垂釣型、生態(tài)觀賞型和漁家樂四種類型。各個鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)因地制宜發(fā)展合適的類型。 3.與旅游業(yè)緊密結合,培植品牌,形成品牌效應,實現(xiàn)資源優(yōu)化配置,加快休閑漁業(yè)產業(yè)化進程。
[Abstract]:Leisure fishing is an industry in the ascendant, more and more favored by consumers. Its core is to promote the development of fishery production, economy and society and the harmony of natural environment. It is a green industry which integrates economy, culture and ecology. Leisure fishery has fully integrated the advantages of resources, such as capital, technology, management and so on. It has become an important direction for the development of modern fishery by virtue of the diversification of technology application, the modernization of production and the humanization of service. In this paper, the literature analysis method is used to collect and identify the domestic and foreign documents about the development of leisure fishery through various channels, to form a scientific understanding of leisure fishery, and to investigate and visit the leisure fishery base in Liancheng County. Combined with qualitative analysis method, this paper sums up and analyzes the general situation of leisure fishery in Liancheng County, synthetically analyzes the characteristics and advantages of leisure fishery in Liancheng County at present, and puts forward that the development of leisure fishery in Liancheng County should be closely linked with the unique tourism resources and highlight the locality. With the help of diversity and interest, a modern leisure fishery system, which matches with the tourism county, is constructed to realize the new situation of promoting the leisure fishery by the leisure fishery and promoting the leisure fishery by the tourism. To promote the development of Liancheng County from traditional fishery model to modern fishery. The main recommendations are as follows: 1. As soon as possible, the "regulations on the Administration of Leisure Fisheries in Liancheng County" and other local laws and regulations, as well as the "opinions of the people's Government of Liancheng County on speeding up the Development of Leisure Fisheries," and other policies and measures, In order to further enhance the level and scale of leisure fishery industry. 2. In order to draw up the development plan and arrange the leisure fishery area scientifically, the leisure fishery in Liancheng County is divided into four types: aquiculture fishing, leisure fishing, ecological viewing and fishermen's music. Each town and township develops appropriate type according to local conditions. 3. Combine closely with tourism, cultivate brand, form brand effect, realize optimal allocation of resources, speed up the process of leisure fishery industrialization.


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