

發(fā)布時間:2014-08-08 19:56

摘  要





關 鍵 詞:信用卡;審批;風險管理;數(shù)據(jù)挖掘


During the domestic economy fast developing, the credit card business grows fast. As a kind of product which can bring banks high income and risk, credit card turns to be a very important growth point of profit. So, the risk management theory, the establishment of personal credit rating system model, the investigation to the domestic banking personal credit card business problem, through to the credit card risk measurement and control applications, the use of data mining development of credit scoring model, are all to provide the banking system with the decision on the approval of credit card risk management.


This article works for researching to the fraud risk, credit risk, and operational risk of credit card. To research the fraud risk and operational risk, we use the method of expert judgment, and to research the credit risk, we use the data mining. Basis on the credit data from credit system, using logistic method, according to the data mining step technology to solve these problems, to explore how to establish credit scoring model and its working process of bank A. Based on the model, analyzing from the modeling results, and the validating of the model with the actual data, try to find the best model. And then, issue the management and the communication with other department to make the solution of different kinds of risk work successfully.


From the analysis of management, we can find the solution of risk controlling at bank A’s credit card center. And other bank which has the similar problems can study from this article, to develop its level of management of risk controlling.


KEY WORDS: credit cards; underwriting; risk management; data mining

目  錄

1 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 問題的提出 1
1.3 研究目的與意義 2
1.4 論文思路和框架結構 3
1.4.1論文的主要工作 3
1.4.2 論文結構介紹 3
2 理論基礎與文獻綜述 5
2.1 基本概念 5
2.2 信用卡風險管理相關理論 8
2.3 信用卡風險管理工具及方法 10
2.3.1 專家判斷法 10
2.3.2 數(shù)據(jù)挖掘技術概述 11

2.3.3 數(shù)據(jù)挖掘的主要工具——SPSS系統(tǒng)及Clementine模塊簡介 14
2.4 文獻綜述 15
3 A銀行信用卡發(fā)展概括及主要問題 18
3.1 A銀行發(fā)展概況 18
3.2 A銀行信用卡業(yè)務發(fā)展概況 18
3.3 A銀行信用卡新申請者審批主要問題與條件分析 19
3.3.1審批現(xiàn)狀及主要問題 19
3.3.2條件分析 21
4 A銀行信用卡新申請者審批風險管理問題解決方案 22
4.1欺詐風險管理問題解決方案 22
4.2信用風險管理問題解決方案 23
4.2.1確定目標 23
4.2.2數(shù)據(jù)準備 24
4.2.3模型建立 33
4.2.4結果解釋與評估 33
4.3 操作風險管理問題解決方案 36
5 管理措施和實施保障 37
5.1持續(xù)優(yōu)化欺詐風險防范策略 37
5.2信用評分模型的應用和保障 38
5.3保證操作風險管理覆蓋全流程 40
6 結論與展望 42
6.1 結論 42
6.2 展望 42
致謝 43
參考文獻 44


1 Introduction  1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Main problem 1
1.3 Topic research goal and the significance 2
1.4 Main work and structure 3
1.4.1 The main work of the paper 3
1.4.2 Structure of the paper introduces 3
2 Theory and review of the literature 5
2.1 Basic concept 5
2.2 Theory of the risk management of credit card 8
2.3 Tools and method of the risk management of credit card 10
2.3.1 Experts judgment 10
2.3.2 Introduction to data mining technology 11
2.3.3 Main tool of data mining -- Introduction to Clementine 14
2.4 Review of the literature 15
3 The introduction of A bank and its credit card center and the main problems of CCC 18
3.1 Introduction to A bank 18
3.2 Introduction of A bank’s credit card center 18
3.3 The main problems of credit card underwriting and analysis of working condition 19
3.3.1 The main problems of credit card underwriting 19
3.3.2 Analysis of working condition 21
4 Solution of the problems of A bank’s credit card underwriting 22
4.1 Solution of fraud risk 22
4.2 Solution of credit risk 23
4.2.1 Target 23
4.2.2 Preparation of data 24
4.2.3 Foundation of model 33
4.2.4 Analysis of the result 33
4.3 Solution of operation risk 36
5 Management of working 37
5.1 How to make the solution of fraud risk working 37
5.2 How to make the solution of credit risk working 38
5.3 How to make the solution of operation risk working 40
6 The conclusion and prospect 42
6.1 Conclusions 42
6.2 Prospect 42
Acknowledgements 43
References 44

1 緒論

1.1 研究背景


6 結論與展望

6.1 結論

6.2 展望


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