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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-22 09:06

  本文選題:資產(chǎn)證券化 切入點:航天產(chǎn)業(yè) 出處:《對外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Asset securitization originated in the United States in the 1960s, and was initially used to describe the process of financing banks by replacing bank stock loans by issuing securities. The international asset securitization business represented by the United States is mainly developed into two categories: real estate mortgage backed securitization (MBS) and asset-backed securities (ABS) according to the basic asset types. After a period of stagnant approval between 2008 and 2012, asset securitization in China has entered a period of rapid development since 2013, whether in terms of the number of products issued or the total amount issued. The reasons for the prosperity of asset securitization are, on the one hand, the policy orientation of the state, actively promoting supply-side reform measures to revitalize the stock of assets; on the other hand, Because of the disadvantages of the traditional financing forms, the demand for new financing channels is growing. After decades of development, the space industry of our country, whether from the point of view of satellite technology, launch volume and success rate, It has gradually changed from a world space power to a world space power. However, in terms of economic structure and market correlation, it is still relatively backward compared with other industries. At the same time, because of the nature of the enterprise, the research units in the aerospace field, Because of the nature of assets and the type of business, relying on the traditional way of equity listing is often inefficient, and the overall process of securitization is relatively slow. The average capitalization rate of the two major aerospace groups is less than 20%. With the gradual promotion and implementation of the asset securitization business in China, the types of basic assets are richer and more innovative, and the means of implementation are more flexible. This provides a new way of thinking for the aerospace industry to solve the problem of single financing channel. Based on the actual situation of the aerospace industry, this paper first analyzes the basic requirements of policy orientation, economic environment and asset securitization. Identifying the underlying assets that generate future cash flows and recognizing that they should be attempted in the areas of remote sensing satellites, communications satellites and navigation satellites. Subsequently, based on the characteristics of satellite earnings rights, the key factors affecting the implementation path are analysed, Through the quantitative evaluation of future cash flow, the construction of basic asset pool and the design of transaction structure, the feasible path for aerospace industry to implement asset securitization is proposed. In order to promote the implementation of securitization of aerospace assets, This paper puts forward the relevant suggestions from the two levels of national policy and industry improvement. It is hoped that asset securitization will provide a good opportunity for the open development of aerospace technology and promote the application and promotion of the entire aerospace technology industry. Space technology is more widely used in people's livelihood, and the social effect of "deep integration of military and civil" is realized and brought into play.


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